The Sophomore (College Years #2) - Monica Murphy Page 0,96

fingers find me, parting my folds, stroking my delicate wet skin. A choked gasp sticks in my throat.

“So wet,” he whispers, just before he ducks his head and continues on the journey he started at my chest.

I part my thighs, eager to feel his mouth on me. He settles himself in between my legs, searching me with his fingers, his eyes never straying from the spot he sang about onstage mere hours ago.

“Just as pink as I remember,” he murmurs, his warm breath wafting across me, making me jump. I’m dying to feel his mouth on my flesh and I close my eyes, taking a deep breath as I try to calm my racing heart.

His lips touch me. Gently at first. Exploring. I slowly open my eyes to find he’s still watching me, the lower half of his face buried against my pussy. All I can see are those beautiful blue eyes watching me, making me feel beautiful too.

I see him.

And he sees me too.

He licks me. Laps at me gently, searching, teasing. A tremor moves through me when he flicks at my clit with his tongue, reminding me I’m already so close to the edge, and it would take nothing for me to fall. I reach up behind me, wrapping my arms around a pillow to anchor myself, but it doesn’t help. I’m floating. Rising above the bed, my entire body made of air, my heart racing so hard I’m scared it’ll fall out of my chest.

At the same time he wraps his lips around my clit, he pushes a single finger inside of me. A low moan fills the room, and I realize it’s me. I’m moaning as he begins to thrust. In and out. Over and over. Driving me wild with his tongue and lips, that finger.

Oh shit, that finger.

“Tight,” he whispers, slowing his movements. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You’re not—” a whimper leaves me when he sucks hard on my clit, “—hurting me.”

He lifts away from me completely, his finger still inside my body, his knowing gaze watching me carefully. His lips and chin are shiny with my juices and he seems very, very pleased with himself. “You close?”

I nod. “I-I think so.”

He smiles. Sticks his tongue out and laps at me, the gesture lewd. Dirty. Leaving me breathless. “You like it when I do that?”

“Yes,” I whisper, closing my eyes so I can savor the sensations racing through me. Opening them once again so I can watch him.

I always want to watch him.

“I’m going to add another finger,” he tells me, just before he does. I squirm, the stretch stinging only for a moment before my body relaxes. I start to move with his hand, enjoying the rhythm. Chasing it. He rises up, his fingers still between my legs, his mouth finding me as we kiss sloppily, his tongue thrusting into my mouth. I suck on it eagerly.

“That’s what you taste like,” he says after he breaks the kiss, his molten gaze making me shudder.

I’m probably going to hell for enjoying this so much, but it’s too late for regrets now. And when he resumes his position between my legs, diving in once more to eat at me hungrily, I’m all in. Grinding against his face, reaching for that orgasm that hangs just out of reach. Desperate to come. I lift my hips, my feet flat on the mattress so I have better leverage. He slips a hand beneath me, clutching one ass cheek to him as he continues his assault with his tongue and fingers, his lips and tongue working a delicious rhythm.

It slams into me out of nowhere. Everything stills. My breath. My heart. My entire body. Just before I fall completely apart, a shaking, gasping mess as the orgasm sweeps over me. He holds me to him, never letting up, his mouth a form of exquisite torture as he draws out the climax as long as possible. Until I’m pushing him away, my body too sensitive, my pussy literally throbbing from all of his devoted attention.

“Holy shit,” he says after he slides up the mattress to pull me into his arms. He holds me close, his hands running up and down my back as I press my face to his chest, trying to calm my agitated heart. “You came hard.”

It’s all because of him. All of my feelings, my emotions that have been wrapped up in him for all these years just came flowing out of me. It was amazing. Almost Copyright 2016 - 2024