The Sophomore (College Years #2) - Monica Murphy Page 0,65

of responsibility for a guy like Jackson,” she says. “He seems the type to always want to play around and never commit.”

“I know. He’s afraid of commitment. His parents had a nasty divorce.” And he told me about it too. How it messed with his head. Made him realize he didn’t want to get married. He even said he doesn’t want kids.

I thought at the time he just hadn’t found the right woman yet. Like Gracie and her endless dating. But maybe he’s telling me the truth. Maybe he really has no desire to get married and have children. He wants that rock star life, where he’s free to do whatever he wants with no responsibilities.

“That can mess with people’s heads, witnessing the fallout of their parents’ relationship,” Gracie says. “But hey, this is progress in your relationship with Jackson. Have you talked to him? You two been texting all day?”

I slowly shake my head. “We haven’t talked.”

“At all?” She sounds incredulous.

“Not at all. He’s supposed to pick me up from work tonight.”

“And you haven’t texted him to confirm that?” She makes a noise. “That is the perfect excuse. You need to text him right now. Pronto. Ask him if he’s still getting you.”

“Okay, okay, but he’s at practice right now. He won’t answer me.” It’s almost five o’clock. He’s still on the field.

“Whatever. He’ll get the text when he’s done and answer you. If he doesn’t, though...” She shakes her head firmly. “What a dick! You’ll know where you stand.”

Uneasiness fills me at the idea of him not responding. I would be devastated. “It won’t be too pushy?”

Ugh, I need to stop being so insecure. Two seconds ago I was feeling on top of the situation. I am on top of it. And Jackson is finally giving me what I want—his attention. Himself. I need to stop worrying over every little thing and stand up for myself.

I’ve got this.

“Push as hard as you want! It’s your right. He had his fingers between your legs last night. He’s seen your O face. Don’t you want to see his O face?” she asks.

Yes. Yes, I do.

“Right. Your lack of answer is a yes. Text him right now.”

I send him a quick text.

And hope I get to see his O face tonight.



We enter the Doghouse Grill and stand in line, the guys joking and giving each other shit while I remain quiet. They ignore me, and I wonder if they can feel the tension radiating off of me in waves. I’m a strung-out mess.

All over seeing Ellie.

I need to get a fucking grip.

She’s not at the counter taking orders, which is something she does on occasion. It’s some other cute girl who is flirtatious with every single one of us, including me.

“Aren’t you Jackson Rivers?” she asks me before I even give her my order.

I can hear Eli snickering behind me. The asshole.

“Yeah.” I smile, not in the mood to lay on the charm, as usual.

“I love your songs,” she says, snapping her gum. “I listen to you on Soundcloud.”

“I’m on Spotify too,” I tell her.

“Yeah, but you’ve got a couple of covers on Soundcloud that you don’t have on Spotify. I like the covers a lot. Your Nirvana remakes are amazing.” She grins.

I check her out. I can’t help it. She’s cute. Tight little body. Nice smile. Good lips. Decent tits.

Not interested.

“Thanks,” I say. “I want a cheeseburger.”

I give her the rest of my order and pay before heading for the soda dispenser. Caleb is waiting for me, a mystified expression on his face.

“That girl was all over your stick,” he says.

“She was not,” I say irritably, as I fill my cup with ice and then add Cherry Pepsi.

“She so was. Flirting hardcore and you didn’t even notice.” I can feel him watching me. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Nothing,” I say with a shrug as I snap a lid on my drink and grab a straw. “I’m not going to fuck around with some girl who works with Ellie, Caleb. I’m not stupid.”

“Oh. Good point. I would’ve jumped all over it and then fucked everything up.” Caleb frowns.

Sounds about right. But I don’t say that out loud.

Caleb doesn’t think before he leaps. He just jumps—consequences be damned. I’m pretty much the same way, so I really have no room to talk.

We find a table and wait for our food, and I keep watch for Ellie to appear. I don’t know where she’s at, but I know she’s here. I Copyright 2016 - 2024