Song of the Heart - Alexa Aston Page 0,86

see you,” she said stubbornly, her chin rising a notch.

Her words crushed him but he stood straight as a Montayne would. For a long moment, he gazed at her steadily without speaking.

She ran her tongue over her bottom lip nervously. “You must leave, Garrett,” she demanded.

He could see her pulse fluttering wildly against her slender, white throat. He took a step toward her and she shrank back. “You take my declaration of love for you and throw it back in my face? Without a word, you forsake both me and Lyssa. Did you think she and I would simply pick up our lives where we left off?”

Tears welled in her eyes. She blinked, spilling them down her cheeks.

“I thought my heart could not be broken twice in this lifetime but you proved me wrong. You broke it again, Madeleine. I cannot imagine what your thoughtlessness will do to my child.” He ran his fingers through his hair, his frustration with her growing. In agony, he told her, “You abandoned us. Just like Lynnette.”


His words were stronger than any blow Henri had ever dealt her, for Henri had only hurt her physically. Garrett’s words pierced her soul.

She felt the waves of anger that emanated from him. His words were meant to hurt her—and they had. He compared her actions to Lynnette’s. She couldn’t let him think he was unloved. What Lynnette had done had almost destroyed his soul. In the end, Madeleine would still have to leave him, but she must let him know she loved him and trusted in him.

She prayed God would give her the strength and courage to do what she must do.

She stared at him, his eyes blazing, his mouth set so firmly, and her face crumpled. Oh, God, she loved him so much.

She ran to him and threw her arms around his neck, burying her face in his massive chest. Madeleine clutched him desperately. Finally, he placed his arms around her and held her to him. Tremors rippled through her body as she clung to him. He bent and placed a soft kiss on the top of her head.

“Oh, Madeleine.” Garrett sighed and drew her even closer. He brushed his lips against her hair over and over. She closed her eyes and wished they could remain this way forever.

He lifted her chin with a finger and met her gaze. “We must talk.”

She nodded and swallowed hard. He led her to the single bed and sat, pulling her down next to him.

He took her hand in his. “Where did you find the necklace you pawned?”

Shocked at the question she’d least expected, she asked, “Necklace?”

He reached into his purse and dangled it before her.

“So that’s how you found me,” she muttered. Her eyes opened wide as she realized the meaning of his words. “You still believe me a thief!”

She jerked her hand from his, her pride wounded by his words. “That’s what you mean by my ‘finding’ it. You mean where did I steal it, my lord? Well, I didn’t!” Her chin went up and she glared at him.

“I’m not saying you stole it.”

“It was a gift to me,” she answered reluctantly, knowing God had finally given her the way to tell her sordid tale.

“From whom?” His eyes darkened.

She could see doubt mingled with love in his eyes. Did he think she was some merchant’s bought woman? A married man’s mistress?

Madeleine shook her head adamantly. Mayhap it wasn’t wise to tell Garrett about Henri in his present mood, not without knowing where his thoughts were headed.

“That I will not say. But have no doubts, the necklace was mine to sell. Why all these questions?”

“Because I had this necklace made especially for my wife. Lynnette wore it always. I’m sure she had it on when she left Stanbury.”

“No,” Madeleine gasped. “It couldn’t be.”

“I’m afraid so.” He lifted the clasp. “This alone would be enough to convince me. See, the lion engraved here with a sword in his paw. My banner is exactly the same. The stones, too, are identical to the color I had made up. There’s no doubt this is my wife’s necklace.”

Madeleine stood. She had to face the inevitable. He would learn of Henri now. In her heart she knew that her love for Garrett demanded she tell the truth.

“I know where the piece was purchased for me. That may be the first clue in Lynnette’s disappearance.” She stood quickly, determined to put an end to her charade. “Come, Garrett. I know Ebony must be nearby. We Copyright 2016 - 2024