Song of the Heart - Alexa Aston Page 0,84

the comte. The Frenchman might shed some light on the mystery called Madeleine Bouchard.

The sun broke across the horizon, slowly casting its rays against the gates. A nightingale called for its mate, the sound mocking him. The tired watchman peered down upon him.

“Must warn you, my lord, about the typhus. It raged out of control for a while, though it’s been much better these last few weeks. I’m supposed to let all travelers know this before they enter.”

The thought of falling to typhus gave Garret a chill but his choice was made. “Hell and be damned, man! Open up!”

The clang of the gate behind him sent a shiver up his spine but it also renewed his commitment. The city was quiet in the bleak dawn with little activity. As Garrett headed for the waterfront, he spotted a few bodies wrapped in sheets, left outside for the early morning death wagon. The greenish stains on the linen reminded him of his vigil at Luke’s bedside as he lay dying of the dreaded disease. Besides the fever and vomiting, Luke had been racked with abdominal pains and reddish spots that appeared all over his torso. He had been confused, too, which hurt Garrett most of all, watching his beloved brother slip away, not knowing anyone around him.

Many vessels of all shapes and sizes filled the harbor. Trade was at a standstill. It looked as if few ships, if any, had been let out during the epidemic. If that were the case, it might be easier to find Madeleine than he originally thought.

He first sought out the harbormaster, eventually finding him asleep in a nearby tavern. The place was littered with drunken sailors, sleeping off their night of carousing. He shook the man awake and pulled him out into the empty streets, as much for a private word as to escape the stench of stale, unwashed bodies.

The man recognized him through bloodshot eyes. “Why, Lord Montayne,” he slurred. “What brings you to London? ’Tis not our usual time to do business.”

“I know, Raleigh, but I have need of information.” Garrett produced a gold coin, which Raleigh quickly pocketed. The man wiped his chin on a sleeve.

“How bad is this typhus?”

Raleigh rubbed the sleep from his eyes and pushed back the strands of hair falling in his eyes. “Just about run its course, my lord. The death count has fallen off considerably with the cooler weather. I’ve been told we’ll open up for trade in a week’s time. His majesty’s counselor was certain of it.”

His speech was interrupted by a loud grumbling. Raleigh looked sheepishly at Garrett. “Sorry. My belly rules me, I fear.”

“I require your help, Raleigh.”

The harbormaster squinted. “What do you need, my lord?”

Garrett quickly explained. “More than likely she’ll wish to sail for France. Can you find her?”

Raleigh nodded wearily. “All of the manifests will come my way.”

“Not good enough, Raleigh. She would think to travel under a different name.”

“If you’re willing to spend the gold, I can arrange for the port to be watched carefully. Give me the name and a description of this woman, and I assure you she will be found.”

Garrett paused before he spoke as his loss of Madeleine washed over him anew. “She’s very tall. Thin as a reed. Her hair is the color of wheat in the summer that’s ready to be threshed. Her eyes are a deep amethyst and she has a small scar running across—”

“I know her. It’s the same woman as before.”

Garrett’s insides raced. “What do mean you?”

“Back in the spring, a Frenchman came to me. He described the exact woman you now do. He was also very anxious to find her.”

“Who was this man?” Garrett demanded, ready to slam this man’s face into the nearest post. “I’ll have his name.”

Raleigh shook his head. “Don’t recall it. He was a servant but he had plenty of coin to spread around. She had booked passage on a cargo ship bound for Calais but she never showed up to sail.”

So he was right. Madeleine was French. He was certain she’d been running from her abuser the night they’d met.

“Was her name Madeleine Bouchard?”

Raleigh grinned, his yellowed teeth prominently displayed. “That was it, my lord.”

Garrett completed his arrangements with Raleigh and left for his London home. It would be dark since his servants weren’t expecting him but he was weary from his long ride. With no ships sailing for at least a week, he knew Madeleine was stuck in London. Garrett wanted nothing more than Copyright 2016 - 2024