Song of the Heart - Alexa Aston Page 0,82

A jester capered as they ate, the bells from his cap tinkling merrily as he wove his way through the crowd. He was followed by a juggler and a man with a pet monkey.

Garrett was pleased with his guest’s response to the planned amusements. He looked about for Madeleine, sure she would have made an appearance by now. She had told him before he left that she would prepare a special song for his guest. She must’ve simply lost track of the time.

He motioned Coster over. “Please fetch Madeleine, Coster. I would like our guest to hear her sing and play,” he said quietly.

Coster nodded and shuffled off, an odd expression upon his face. Garrett had no time to think on this, though, returning his attention to de Picassaret.

Almost a quarter-hour passed before Coster returned. Madeleine was not with him. Garrett frowned as the giant-sized serf ambled over to his table.

“Coster, why have you not brought Madeleine back with you?” he demanded.

“Madeleine?” Henri interrupted. “What did you say?”

Garrett turned to address Henri. “It’s my troubadour, Comte. A woman, actually. I discovered her with a group of mummers and persuaded her to stay on for a while. She has tutored my daughter in art and music and performs for us here at Stanbury most every night.” He smiled. “She’s quite talented. A beautiful voice and lovely to look at. She also knows thousands of stories. I’m sure you’ll enjoy hearing her play. We just seem to have a bit of a problem locating her.”

He turned back to Coster, who was fidgeting from one foot to the other. Before Garrett could say a word, Coster removed something shiny from his pocket and handed it to Garrett.

“I’m sorry, me lord. It’s all me fault.”

Garrett recognized the brooch in his palm as one that Lady Sanvale wore frequently. He looked at Coster in confusion. “Come again, Coster. You’re not making yourself clear. Why would you give me Lady Sanvale’s brooch?”

“You’re to keep it for now. Madeleine said so.”

“Why would Madeleine give me a brooch? Where the devil did this come from?” Garrett frowned at his servant. “Coster, you have much to explain. Start at the beginning.”

“I know I did wrong.” Coster sighed. “Punish me, me lord, for I deserve it. I never should have helped her.”

His words had an immediate impact upon Garrett. The hall grew quiet as everyone gathered there waiting for Madeleine watched intently.

Garrett’s tone was even and controlled. “What did you help Madeleine do, Coster?”

Coster fumbled for the words before they rushed out in a torrent. He explained how Madeleine was worried about her mum and how he’d helped her borrow a horse to reach home for a short visit.

“She promised to return the horse, me lord. The brooch was only if something unforeseen happened to her. You were to have it.”

“Where did she go, Coster?”

“Why, down Sussex way, me lord. That’s where her mum is.”

A cacophony of whispers filled the room. “She’s got a mother, he said?”

“I bet her mum is as pretty as she is.”

“Why’d she go now, ye think?”

Garrett felt as if he’d been torn in two. As soon as he had declared his love for her, Madeleine had disappeared without a word to him.

Just as Lynnette had.

Why would she do such a thing?

She’d admitted doing things she would reveal to no man. Was she a thief, as he’d once suspected? He squeezed the brooch in his fist, knowing it belonged to Lady Sanvale. Had Madeleine helped herself to such a pretty piece?

That could not be the case. The dowager countess had a kind heart and had greatly admired Madeleine. It would not surprise him if the old woman had gifted Madeleine with the brooch.

Then why had Madeleine gone? He swallowed hard, thinking of her scarred legs and back. Did her sudden disappearance have something to do with those old injuries?

His love for Madeleine was strong enough to outweigh anything he’d learned about her. To learn the truth about her was taking a chance. But as he lived and breathed, Garrett knew it was a chance he must take.

He forced as pleasant as an expression as he could muster onto his face as he turned to de Picassaret. “I’m afraid I have some unexpected business to attend to. I trust my servants to meet your needs for the short time that I must be gone.”

De Picassaret’s face turned a deep red. “Lord Montayne, we have business to conduct.”

Garrett waved a hand. “I’m aware of that.” He paused, aware Copyright 2016 - 2024