Song of the Heart - Alexa Aston Page 0,80


What better place for her to run? Garrett would never think she’d be foolish enough to go to a city facing such an outbreak. Hopefully, she’d be able to get a ship bound for France as quickly as possible now that she was more familiar with the waterfront area and there was no Bertrand to prevent her from doing so.

If she succumbed to this disease, so much the better. Death seemed a welcomed blessing compared to Henri finding her. That would be a living hell on earth, one she didn’t think she could survive again, not since she’d known Garrett’s love and compassion.

Madeleine busied herself the next few days with the necessary preparations to make her way from Stanbury to London. It was hard to keep a serene appearance but she’d become skilled in her playacting and could hide her true mood. She thanked the Virgin daily for the business that kept Garrett away from Stanbury for several days, unsure she could have hidden her anxiety from him.

While keeping up her lessons with Lyssa and spending time with Edith, Madeleine found a purse in which to place the coins she’d collected from the guests who’d rewarded her for her storytelling. The one thing she regretted was that she’d need to take one of Garrett’s horses. Walking to London was well beyond her endurance. Her injuries had healed remarkably, though, thanks to the immediate attention they’d received but it would be impossible to make it the many miles to London by foot. She decided to leave one of her pieces of jewelry in exchange for the horse she must take. Perhaps the brooch from Lady Sanvale would do. Garrett had told her he was fond of the dowager countess.

Her biggest problem was how to get the animal outside the walls without drawing attention. To that end, she went exploring and after a diligent hunt, located Stanbury’s sally port. As before, the door was practically hidden by vegetation. She would use the sally port for her escape.

Madeleine decided to engage Coster’s help with this part of her plan. Though married and true to his wife, the man was batty over her and a bit simple. Though she’d never traded on her looks, this time, an exception must be made.

Later that day, she waylaid Coster in the outer bailey. “How are you today, my fine gallant?”

He broke out in a huge grin at her friendly greeting. “I’m having a fine day, Madeleine.”

She cast her eyes down and shuffled glumly. “I wish I could say the same.”

“Something’s wrong, Madeleine?”

She raised her head, her eyes filled with tears. “Oh, Coster, I’m so upset. It’s my mother. Oh, but you wouldn’t understand.” She turned to walk away, knowing he’d scurry after her, which he did.

“What’s wrong with your mum?”

“I’m very worried about her. She’s all alone, down Sussex way. She must be terribly anxious that I haven’t returned home by now.” Madeleine paused, trying to gauge his reaction. He did appear concerned, so she continued. “I would be home already if I’d stayed with Farley’s troupe since they always disband for the winter. She must be frantic, what with her only child missing.”

Coster scratched his head. “How can I help you? Say the word and I’ll make it happen, Madeleine.” The servant stretched to his full height, his chest ready to burst with pride in coming to her aid.

“I would like to borrow one of Lord Montayne’s mounts and ride to see her.” She batted her lashes for good measure and placed a hand on his arm. “Do you think you could help me?”

Worry filled his eyes. “Have you asked the earl’s permission?”

“No,” she said quietly.

Coster shook his head. “It’s not a good idea. There’s danger on the road—robbers and thieves and mongrels—just waiting to eat up a pretty morsel like you.”

“Oh, Coster,” she cried, “I must go! I love my mother more than anyone in this world. I need to see her.” Madeleine let her tears flow freely.

He patted her on the back. “There, now, Coster will help you. Tell me what needs to be done and ’twill get done.”

Madeleine had learned that Henri would arrive midmorning the next day, shortly after Garrett himself would return. If she could leave after the castle bedded down tonight, more than likely she would not be missed until she was asked to entertain tomorrow night. That would be more than enough of a head start.

She told him where to tie the horse and placed in his palm the Copyright 2016 - 2024