Song of the Heart - Alexa Aston Page 0,59

in Sussex. From the channel’s coast, she could sail directly to France. It would be time to forget her sorrows and move on.

“What kind of money, Edgar?”

“Well, Farley said it’d all be a bonus we’d be getting, with his lordship paying a goodly amount for us to stay on awhile.”

“That’s good news, indeed, Edgar,” she said.

Farley found her soon afterward. “I hear that Edgar already let you in on our good news.” He was beaming. “To be asked to stay for a house party is a great thing, Madeleine. But,” he added, “Lord Montayne especially asked for you to narrate our plays. He said York has a pleasant voice and all but he thought his guests would be amused by a woman acting as troubadour. Are you up to it, Madeleine?”

Heart heavy, Madeleine knew she could not let Farley and the rest of the mummers down. She owed them too much. “Of course I will do it, Farley.”

Farley’s face lit up with a warm smile and he wrapped her in a bear hug. “That’s my girl,” he cried. “A mummer puts one foot in front of the other, no matter what the circumstances are.”


The next day the faire ended. The peddlers moved on with their wares. The crowds dispersed to return to life as they knew it. The troupe’s tents remained at the far edge of the meadow, though, since the mummers had been asked to stay on. They rehearsed several new plays for Lord Montayne’s guests, who began arriving shortly after the faire’s end.

One afternoon, Lyssa came to play with Evan and began talking excitedly about the changes. “Madeleine, you should see all the people. No one ever visits us, except Ashby. Aga says he’s not a visitor, he’s just a silly man.”

Madeleine laughed. “I couldn’t agree with you more, Lyssa. Every time I’ve spoken with Sir Ashby he’s been silly, indeed.”

“But he likes Luke,” Lyssa pointed out, watching her tabby chase the string of yarn Evan trailed behind him.

“Then Sir Ashby must be a nice man, too.”

“I miss you coming to the castle, Madeleine,” Lyssa pouted. “Papa said you’re busy.”

Tears brimmed in her eyes. “Yes, Lyssa, I was caring for—” Her voice trailed off and she swallowed hard.

“Evan’s mama.”

“Yes, Gwenith.” Madeleine’s heart was heavy as she said the name. “She was my very good friend, and I miss her a great deal.”

Lyssa frowned. “Are you Evan’s new mama?”

She hesitated. “That’s a difficult question, Lyssa. I am caring for Evan now.”

“Lyssa! Come play with Luke and me,” Evan called.

The girl left Madeleine’s side and ran toward the boy and her kitten.

“Who will be responsible for Evan when the troupe disbands for the winter?”

Madeleine turned and saw Lord Montayne standing before her. The sun burnished his dark hair until it gleamed. His eyes glowed at her from his tanned face. Her heart lurched at the sight of him.

Calming her flutters, she quietly answered, “Gwenith asked me to take Evan to his father. I will be doing this after your house party has ended and the troupe moves on.”

“So you’ll leave the mummers?”

She nodded. “For a time. It’s important I get Evan to his father.” She watched the two children playing with the kitten, their squeals of delight bringing her momentary happiness. “He’s never met him, you see. It’s an unusual circumstance.”

“Will the father accept him?” Garrett asked. “I assume he’s a bastard?”

Madeleine shrugged. “Such an ugly word for so sweet a child.” She met Garrett’s gaze. “Gwenith seemed sure that his father would do right by him.”

“How will the boy feel, being left in the care of strangers?”

“You are interested in the feelings of a mummer’s bastard, my lord?”

“I simply wondered how he’d feel being apart from you, Madeleine. I know how lonely I’ve been without you.” His voice held great tenderness as he took her hand. “You’re all he’s got now.”

Madeleine tugged at her hand, but Garrett refused to let go. “I must honor Gwenith’s final wish, my lord. Evan should be with his father.” She tugged harder, and he held on even more tightly. “Please give me my hand, my lord. I’m rather attached to it.”

“So am I,” he replied. He lifted it to his lips and grazed her knuckles before relaxing his hold. She jerked away from him as if he’d scalded her, and he laughed.

“I have missed you, Madeleine.”

“And I have missed you not at all, my lord.”

“Ever the little liar. And whose wife are you today?”

Madeleine caught her breath in a moment of panic. Then Copyright 2016 - 2024