Song of the Heart - Alexa Aston Page 0,4

left her cloak in the bedchamber and regretted her carelessness. Still, she’d rather catch her death of cold than remain with Henri one more night. Escape must occur now, in this moment.

She placed her lute on the ground and first wrapped the rope around and then knotted one end of it to the heavy, ornamental wall sconce nearby, praying it would hold her weight. She lowered the rest of the length through the window. It disappeared into the darkness. For a moment, Madeleine clasped the rope but didn’t move. Heights terrified her but she must conquer her fear. She quelled the rising nausea as her stomach roiled and prayed for God to keep her safe.

She released the rope and, looping a scarf through her girdle, she swept it under the strings of her lute, tying the instrument securely to her waist. Once again, she gripped the rope and climbed up and through the window, grateful she was slender since it was so narrow. She only had a short distance to go and squeezed her eyes shut as she lowered herself. When her feet touched the ground, she expelled the breath she’d held. Only then did she dare open her eyes.

“Thank the Christ,” she murmured, trying to calm her racing heart.

Skirting buildings and staying in the shadows as much as she could, Madeleine finally reached the wall that surrounded Frothmore and moved close against it so she wouldn’t be spotted, knowing the posted sentries watched for activity outside the walls and not from within. She made her way to the north side, toward London. Once she arrived in the city, she’d pawn enough jewels to purchase passage back to France. She would return to Bordeaux and her parents, if only for a short while.

Henri had allowed no contact with her parents since their marriage. He said she was immature and too dependent upon them and that she must learn to rely only upon him. Madeleine later learned he’d told her parents the break was at her request. She could only guess at the heartbreak his cruel words caused.

She was determined to see her Maman and Papa once more and tell them how very much she loved them before she took refuge in a convent. She was sure Pierre could arrange sanctuary for her. Her brother was ten years older and though they’d never been close, Madeleine knew she could count on him to help her in a time of crisis. Let Henri have the marriage annulled or, better yet, let him divorce her. She did not care to give herself to any man ever again. The marriage act only brought terror. Pain and degradation. She could no longer tolerate it. She’d seek refuge and peace with the good sisters. Her jewels would assure her of a place in the convent until her death.

Madeleine found the almost hidden door she was searching for and slipped through it. A sally port could be overlooked during a siege due to its size. Messengers used it in times of trouble. Many a sally port had been the saving grace for a castle’s people during times of attack.

It would be her saving grace tonight.

As she cautiously crept away from the wall surrounding Frothmore, she watched over her shoulder for any sentry that might raise the alarm. With each step, fear enveloped her, causing her heart to pound, its loud drumming ringing in her ears.

Madeleine saw a guard move along the wall walk and gaze in her direction. She froze. Panic poured through her at being out in the open. Every muscle screamed for her to flee yet she pushed her fear aside. Movement would attract his attention. She remained stock still, holding her breath. The brisk wind favored her. The clouds blew constantly across the light from the moon, causing many shadows to dance upon the earth. She watched the sentry turn, his back now to her. Without hesitation, Madeleine made for the nearest trees at a steady gait. She reached the copse and entered without hearing a shout to halt.

Safe. She was safe.

She sank to her knees. A thrill rushed through her. She touched the ground almost reverently, brushing her fingers along the cool grass.


She could not remember the last time she’d been outside alone. Henri had a guard follow her wherever she went. He rarely allowed her outside the walls of his isolated chateau in the north. Madeleine breathed in the crisp air, reveling in the sounds of the night. She was practical, though, Copyright 2016 - 2024