Song of the Heart - Alexa Aston Page 0,36

fairly close to one another.”

“I have a proposition for you.”

Garrett exited Farley’s tent several minutes later. He returned to the tent Madeleine was in and slipped inside.

As before, she was next to Gwenith, the boy’s head now in her lap. He was fast asleep. She stroked his hair fondly. As Garrett moved toward her, she raised her head. Surprise registered on her features.

He could tell she’d been crying. Her eyes were swollen and puffy. The front of her tunic was damp and rumpled. He knelt down beside her and placed a hand upon her shoulder.

“What are you doing here, my lord?” she whispered. “Did you not find Farley’s tent? I left your cloak there.” Even as she said it, she glanced at the cloak draped over his arm.

“Yes, Madeleine, I’ve gotten it back.” He cupped her chin with his hand and stroked her trembling bottom lip with his thumb. Then he leaned forward and gently kissed her.

“Au revoir, Madeleine.”

Rising, he quickly left her.

Chapter Ten

Madeleine watched Lord Montayne disappear from the enclosed space. His presence had filled the small tent. Now the place seemed empty and forlorn.

She reached up, grazing her fingertips against her lips in quiet wonder. She could still feel his warm breath, the press of his mouth softly against hers.

What had possessed him to kiss her?

Madeleine would never regret that he had. Henri had kissed her on rare occasions and only in public when duty called for it, always on her brow or cheek. The only time he’d kissed her on her mouth was to seal their vows before the priest on their wedding day. When Madeleine questioned why he did not kiss her at other times, Henri informed her that kissing had nothing to do with making an heir and so he was uninterested in it.

Yet Madeleine longed for the intimacy of kissing a man she loved. She’d soon discovered that Henri would never be that man. She had relegated kissing far into a corner chamber of her mind. She’d stopped daydreaming about it and such foolish ideas as romantic love.

Until Lord Montayne.

She admitted to herself that she had often thought about kissing the nobleman these past two months. When she wrapped his cloak about her, she longed to be enveloped in his arms, as well. He would hold her firmly, yet tenderly, and then he would kiss her, over and over, until she was breathless.

She had not thought this fantasy could ever come true and, in truth, it had not. Garrett had barely touched her, his lips brushing hers softly but for a moment. It gave Madeleine a glimpse, though, of the magic that might have been if she hadn’t been married to Henri. Maybe real love did exist after all.

She felt a deep longing within her but knew this ache could never be filled. Even if she imagined herself falling in love with an English lord, nothing could come of it. She was married. So was he, although there seemed to be a different standard among men who had taken their marriage vows and women who kept theirs. Madeleine resolved never to see him again. He had his cloak. That was all he’d come for.

Or was it?


Garrett found Ashby still in Hannah’s giggling company. The sun had now set and he was anxious to leave. He caught Ashby’s eye and motioned him over.

“Are you ready to ride?”

Ashby raised his brows. “No,” he said frankly. “And I thought you wouldn’t be either. Or was the alluring Madeleine not taken in by your many charms?”

Garrett stared at him coldly. “She’s not like that, Ash.”

His friend laughed. “Oh, so now she’s a lady?”

“That’s not quite what I meant.”

“Then what do you mean, Garrett? I rode off to London with you at the drop of a hat. Not that anyone’s counting, but it was the third time we’ve done so in as many months. You promised me a little fun on our way back and I aim to have it.” He frowned. “You could use a little of that fun yourself, Garrett.”

“I need to get back to Stanbury. I’ve arrangements to make.”

Ashby tilted his head. “Arrangements? What are you preparing for?”

Garrett shrugged. “It seems we’ll be holding a little faire at Stanbury, Ash.”

Ashby grinned and slapped Garrett on the back. “When was this decided?”

“It’s something I worked out with a Mister Farley, who’s head of the mummers. They were to travel next to Summerville and quarter there for a few weeks.”

“Yes, we’ve been to the summer solstice celebration there Copyright 2016 - 2024