Song of the Heart - Alexa Aston Page 0,21

now. I rarely travel to Bordeaux as it is. Reims is far away from my home. Why do you suggest this?”

Henri shrugged in the typical Gallic manner, a shrug that could encompass many things. “It would open up new markets for my champagnes, of course. You have a large, swift fleet and it is well protected.” He grinned. “You also have a reputation for getting the best prices available, my lord. You seem to squeeze more gold from the traders than anyone in all of England.”

Garrett nodded. He knew that to be correct. He drove a hard bargain, as did his managers. His family was much better off in the years since he had been in charge of their finances.

Henri shifted in his chair. “Naturally, I would not expect you to care for the vines. I would look out for your portion of the champagne vineyards as if they were still my own. You’d simply have to transport the wine, along with my own stock, and collect the profits.”

He looked expectantly at Garrett. “Then we are in agreement?”

Something kept him from committing. The offer appeared simple on the surface. In regard to business, though, he was a patient man. He’d never leaped into any transaction without more information. He would not start now, especially with a man he barely knew.

“Your proposition is intriguing, my lord,” he said as he returned to his chair. “I could be interested in entering the champagne trade. But I hesitate.”

Henri appeared startled, as if he’d assumed Garrett would immediately accept his idea without question.

Before he could speak, Garrett added, “I have never undertaken something so vast quite so suddenly. I would first have to see your vineyards.”

Henri appeared taken aback. “But why, monsieur? They are impeccably kept. My secret recipe for adding the cultured yeasts and sugar yield the finest champagnes in all of France! You have drunk of my champagne. You know it to be the best.”

“’Tis quite fine, de Picassaret, I’ll agree with you. I simply need more time to study the situation and learn more about champagne.”

“Impossible!” Henri sputtered. “I want an answer from you today, this minute!” His voice rose as his complexion mottled bright scarlet. “You must give me an answer now. I insist!”

Henri reached over and grasped the arms of Garrett’s chair in his hands. He leaned close, spittle flying, and demanded, “Now! I want you as my partner now! I want this settled before I sail for France.”

Garrett remained composed as Henri hovered inches from him. His voice was low when he responded, his tone deadly. “Remove your hands from this chair, monsieur, or they will be removed from your wrists.”

Henri stared at him blankly for a moment. Slowly, he released the chair and stepped back. He seemed uncertain of where he was. Garrett was afraid the man had gone mad before his very eyes. What else could explain such bizarre behavior?

The manservant rushed into the room. He wondered how much of their conversation had been overheard.

“I am sorry, my lord,” he addressed Garrett, even as he went to Henri and put an arm about him. “My master has been under much strain lately.”

Henri looked at Garrett with clearer eyes now. “Lord Montayne, consider my offer. If you wish to come to Chateau Maraine to inspect my vineyards, you would be most welcome. I sail for France the day after tomorrow.”

He turned to his servant. “Come, Bertrand, we must go to mass again. There is much I wish to discuss with God.”

The pair left the room, leaving Garrett puzzled by such odd behavior.

He retraced his steps and exited Lord Fenton’s home, reclaiming Ebony from the stable boy. As he mounted, Garrett wondered about the state of Henri de Picassaret’s mind. Had he witnessed a spell of madness? Why had de Picassaret become so unhinged when Garrett had refused to act immediately? He had noticed the Frenchman was a bit high-strung in the past but today he had been truly unbalanced for a few minutes.

Garrett pondered over their meeting as he headed for his London home, deciding being in business with Henri de Picassaret would be unwise, especially after seeing the Frenchman’s volatile temper and odd behavior, which hinted at the possibility of madness. Though he would merely transport de Picassaret’s champagne to new ports, Garrett was thorough and always liked to learn as much as he could about the cargo he moved. While drinking champagne was most pleasurable, he knew how long it had taken him to acquire Copyright 2016 - 2024