Song of the Heart - Alexa Aston Page 0,103

their prisoner. Ashby went to stand close to Edith.

Now that the knights had moved aside, Madeleine had a better view and could see the utter terror on Barth’s face. He was not a large man, shorter than she was, but he seemed to shrink within himself with each passing moment, thanks to Garrett’s silence.

Madeleine gained a new respect for Garrett as she watched his control. She realized how eager he was to find out what this man knew and yet he sat calmly, leisurely studying his servant. He leaned an elbow upon the arm of his chair, his chin resting atop his fist as he inspected the man before him.

Barth wiggled and squirmed under such scrutiny, but Garrett’s gaze was unrelenting.

Suddenly, Garrett asked, “Do you know why you were brought here, Barth?” His voice was low, but no one present had trouble hearing what he said.

Barth licked his lips nervously. His eyes flicked about the room before he met Garrett’s penetrating gaze. “No, my lord.” He attempted a casual air but his voice wavered slightly. “Can’t say I do.”

“No?” Garrett shifted in his seat and ran a hand through his dark hair. “I thought you might have some idea.”

Barth started to answer but no sound came out. He cleared his throat noisily and tugged at the collar of his tunic. Finally, he answered, “No, my lord. Haven’t got a clue.”

Madeleine saw that the stable hand’s legs began to tremble. His lips quivered as he tried to form his words. “Well, it could have to do with, and I’m not saying I’m at fault, but it could be the drinking.”

Garrett looked almost amused. “The drinking?” he questioned innocently.

“Well, my lord, I know you warned me about it but every now and then I do like to take a nip.” He paused a moment and then nodded furiously. “Yes, I do believe I’m here about my drinking.”


The one word was all Garrett uttered. He sat motionless in his chair.

Barth began fidgeting again. He scratched his head and then a surprised look appeared upon his face. “Oh, of course. I know now. You want to talk to me about the fight.”

“Fight?” Again, Madeleine thought Garrett look almost bored as he sat facing Barth.

“Not the fight?” Barth asked weakly.

“You mean the fight with John? The one where you fought dirty and almost blinded him in one eye?” Garrett shook his head. “No, I don’t think that’s it either.”

Barth’s face began to reflect his rising panic and flushed dark red above his beard. Nervously, he bit a nail, then another, as the room remained silent. He finally realized what he was doing and quickly lowered his hand from his mouth. He swallowed hard and then muttered, “Must be about the girl.” His eyes were downcast and his shoulders slumped.

Garrett sat forward, his elbows propped on his knees, his hands clasped together. “I know about no girl, Barth.”

Barth winced.

“Do you want to tell me about this girl? Who is she? What do I need to hear about the matter?”

Barth blurted out, “’Tis Sarah. She’s going to have a babe and she says it’s mine!” He shook his head back and forth vigorously. “But it cannot be, my lord.”

Garrett sighed. “Why would I have expected better from you, Barth?”

The man trembled in both legs and hands now. “Oh, I’ll do better, my lord. I promise you that. Yes, old Barth will do much better in the future. You can count on me.”

Garrett did not mince words. “As I counted on you to take care of Lady Montayne?”

The sudden switch in subject startled Madeleine, although she had known it would come. As for Barth, his previously flushed face whitened immediately. He tried to speak but his words didn’t form beyond a wheeze.

“What can you tell me about Lady Montayne’s disappearance four years ago, Barth?” When the serf didn’t answer, he snapped, “I want the truth. Now. All of it.”

As he spoke, Garrett stood and moved closer to the bearded man. He leisurely reached into his purse and removed Lynnette’s necklace. He dangled it in front of him, letting it rock back and forth as a pendulum, just inches from the serf’s face.

“No,” Barth whispered. “It cannot be.” He turned to run but the guards surrounded him, leaving his only way of escape through Garrett. He shrank back and turned in circles, trapped as a rat by an army of large cats.

Garrett’s features were now hard as stone. “I want answers. Truthful answers.”

The servant fell to his knees. “You’re Copyright 2016 - 2024