Song of Dragons The Complete Trilogy - By Daniel Arenson Page 0,135

league away. "They'll have horses."

Kyrie looked at the town. He couldn't see much from here, only stone walls and chimney smoke. "And I suppose you'll walk in and demand they give you one, because you are Gloriae the Gilded, Maiden of Confutatis?"

She shook her head and sighed. "Those days are behind me. But I have gold in my pouch. Not much, but enough to buy a horse and some food. We'll buy disguises too. Come, Kyrie. We go to town."

Kyrie grunted. He doffed his cloak and handed it to her. "Wear this. You don't want people seeing that gilded, jewelled armor of yours. You'll stick out like a golden thumb."

Gloriae took the cloak and sniffed it. "This thing stinks, and there are moth holes in it. God, don't you ever wash it?"

"Sorry, princess, but when you're on the run from griffins and nightshades, laundry isn't exactly a priority."

Wrinkling her nose and groaning, Gloriae donned the cloak. She coughed. "Now I think I'm going to be sick."

"Just don't throw up on my cloak."

"Not that it would make it any dirtier or smellier."

They walked downhill toward the town, pebbles crackling beneath their feet. Ant hives and mole burrows littered the earth. Crows and geese flew above. The wind kept blowing, rustling the sparse grass and mint bushes. When they were closer to town, Kyrie noticed that something was wrong.

"That smoke... it doesn't look like chimney fire."

Gloriae shook her head. "This place is burning."

They found a dirt road leading to the town walls. They followed it to the gates, which were open. The guards lay slumped by them, eyes staring blankly, chests rising and falling, mouths open and drooling.

"Nightshades were here," Kyrie whispered.

Gloriae rolled her eyes. "Sir Obvious saves the day again."

Kyrie glared. "Why don't you show some respect? People died here."

Gloriae shook her head and hitched the cloak around her. The wind moaned, scattering ash. "No, they're not dead. They probably wish they were, though."

They entered the town and walked along its streets. Many of the buildings had burned down. Some still smoldered, flames crackling within them. Bodies littered the streets. Some were burned. Some had fallen upon swords. Most were still alive, but soulless.

"They must have realized the nightshades hate light," Gloriae said, walking down a cobbled street between smoldering shops. She coughed and waved smoke away. "They knew firelight scares them. They ended up burning down the town."

Kyrie shuddered. "Lovely creatures, the nightshades. Let's get out of here."

Gloriae shook her head. "We came for horses. We'll find them."

Kyrie wanted to throttle her. "Horses? How can you think of stealing horses from this place? This is a graveyard, Gloriae. I don't like it here. Let's leave."

Her eyes flashed with rage. "If there are horses here, they'd die alone. Would you leave them to starve? Let's find a stable."

They kept walking. The devastation worsened as they walked deeper into town. When they reached town square, they found a hundred bodies on the cobblestones, twisting and drooling. The shops surrounding the square smoldered. Many had shattered windows and doors; people had looted them.

Kyrie pointed with his dagger. "That temple is still standing."

It looked like an old building, round and crumbling. Kyrie guessed it had once been an Earth God temple, now converted to Dies Irae's new religion. A bronze Sun God disk crowned its dome.

"Do you think the priests are alive inside?" Gloriae asked.

"I don't know, but I have an idea. Follow me."

They entered the temple and winced. Hundreds of people were crammed inside. Many were dead and stinking. Others were alive, but soulless. Ash and smoke clung to the walls, as if nightshades had rubbed against them.

Gloriae covered her nose. "God, it's awful."

Kyrie pointed at two priests, a man and woman, who lay slumped upon a stone altar. "White cloaks. White masks. Disguises."

Gloriae glared at him. "Stealing from dead Sun God priests? You're mad, Kyrie."

He snorted. "The Sun God can go kiss Dies Irae's wrinkled old backside. And besides, those priests aren't dead. They're just... missing their souls. Look, Gloriae. We can't just saunter into Confutatis as we are. Dies Irae knows my face. He'd recognize you too, even in that smelly old cloak. But if we enter with the robes and masks of priests, well... the city will be ours. Nobody would try and stop us."

Gloriae sighed. "Fine, but I hope the Sun God forgives us." She closed her eyes and muttered a prayer.

Kyrie groaned, rolled his eyes, and went to the priests. Soon he and Gloriae were walking down the Copyright 2016 - 2024