Son of a Preacher Man - By Arianna Hart Page 0,46

she won’t budge,” Nadya explained.

“Hey, girl, what’s wrong? What are you barking at?” Bill squatted down by Sydney and then stood quickly. “J.T. come over here, Syd found something,”

“What? I don’t see anything.” Nadya searched the ground.

“Look, here’re some slivers of plastic that match your taillight and some blood. I bet whoever did this parked down here so he wouldn’t call attention to his plans. He probably cut himself when he smashed your taillight and brushed off the slivers before he climbed into his car.”

J.T. brought the redheaded police officer with him when he came over. “Parker, get a picture of that before you take a sample. Good job, Syd.” He patted her on the head.

“What are you going to do with that sample? Can you get DNA from something that small?” Nadya asked.

“You can get DNA from just about anything, but I doubt the chief will okay sending it to the lab in Atlanta.”

“What do you mean? Couldn’t they find out who did it from their DNA?”

“Sure, if the sample isn’t contaminated too badly, and if the DNA is on file. Of course, the crime lab in Atlanta has a backlog of murderers and rapists on the books. Chief Daniels isn’t going to spare the expense to send it to the lab when it’s for what basically amounts to a misdemeanor.”

“But someone trashed my car!”

“I know, and when I find them—believe me, I will find them—they’ll pay. But this isn’t Hollywood where the sample is processed and the villain caught by the end of the show. It may take a little time.” J.T. ran his hand across his chin. “Do you have any thoughts as to who could have done this?”

“I didn’t think anyone but you all and Hornblower knew I was in town.”

“I just don’t believe someone would do this much damage over an incident that happened twelve years ago,” Mary Ellen said, handing Bill and J.T. mugs of coffee.

“Is anyone upset with you, Bill? Have you fired anyone or nabbed anyone for poaching?”

“No, not that I can recall. Other than the protesters, things have been mighty quiet this summer.”

“So what now?” Nadya asked.

Before J.T. could answer, a white Mercedes pulled to a halt inches from the curb where Parker was crawling along snapping pictures. All four of them turned to see Orleane Campbell driving with Pansy in the passenger seat.

“J.T., could you move your car? We need to get down the street to Mrs. Johnston’s house. We’re having a Garden Club meeting and Mama hates to be late,” Pansy said, her sugary tone at odds with the glare she shot Nadya.

Obviously, Lydia had let her friend know Nadya was back in town. From what she could see, Pansy had lost her baby fat and grown into an attractive woman. Her hands glittered with rings, and Nadya was pretty sure those were Chanel sunglasses. Overall, Pansy seemed to have turned out okay. So why was she staring daggers at her?

“Just a second. We’re almost done processing the scene,” J.T. answered, tipping his wide-brimmed hat. He shot the other officer a look, and the younger man scurried off to move J.T.’s car.

“J.T., honey, you’re coming to the church auction tomorrow, aren’t you? They’re offering a day with Officer McBride again. It was one of our biggest money makers last year.” Pansy pushed her sunglasses to the top of her head and leaned out the open window.

“I’m afraid I have to work tomorrow, but someone from the department will be there.”

“I didn’t realize the Garden Club had gotten so hard up it accepted just anyone,” Mary Ellen muttered in Nadya’s ear. “And do you think she could lean out the car window any more without her boobs popping out of her shirt?”

Nadya couldn’t bite back a bark of laughter, so she tried to turn it into a cough. J.T.’s glare let her know she wasn’t fooling anyone.

“Is that Nadya Sarov? I’d heard she was back in town.” Mrs. Campbell curled her lip. Surprisingly, the rest of her face didn’t move.

“Good evening, Mrs. Campbell.” Nadya didn’t offer any further cordiality. She’d been out of the South too long to bother playing those games when she didn’t have to.

“I should have known if there was trouble, you’d be in the middle of it.”

“Yeah, because she just begged to have someone smash her new car,” Mary Ellen stepped in front of Nadya. “Don’t let us keep you—we’d hate for you to miss your meeting.”

Oh God, Mary Ellen was going to get herself ostracized Copyright 2016 - 2024