Sometime Soon - By Debra Doxer Page 0,56

begin to tap my foot nervously on the carpet. Obviously, that’s not the topic he has in mind.

“Andrea,” he begins, folding his hands on the desk in front of him, “as you’ve heard, we’ve been doing a lot of talking with Napa out in California.” He pauses for a reaction.

I nod for him and stop breathing in anticipation of his next sentence.

“Based on those discussions, it looks like we’re going to be combining our marketing groups. Starting immediately, two of their people are going to join our team.”

“Oh,” I say taking a breath, the butterflies slowly dispersing.

“They are going to work remotely from the California office,” he continues, “but they’ll report to me and get all their project work from us.”

I nod again, wondering why this warrants a private meeting with me.

“They also want to move their wireless security group into our group. Again, reporting to me.”

I grin at him, trying to look impressed. Rob must be pleased to be growing his empire.

“But with our group doubling this way, it’s going to be hard for me to keep tabs on all the project work. So what I’d like to do is appoint project leaders. I’d like you to be the wireless project lead.”

“Oh,” I respond, blinking with surprise.

“What do you think?” He watches me for my reaction.

“Um, well, thanks for thinking of me, but what exactly does being a project lead mean?”

“It means that you would be my point of contact on projects, and you would manage the others and their contributions. You would give them their assignments and review their work before passing it on to me. And you would continue to have your own project work to do. It’s a very good opportunity, Andrea. I know you’re up to it.”

I plaster on a grateful expression as I wonder exactly how to word my next question. I am flattered to be asked, but I’ve seen too many promotions around here that equal lots more work with no more pay and no real upside. I also think of the awkwardness of having to manage Nate, who has been here longer than me and in my opinion has seniority. “Is this a promotion?” I finally ask.

Rob runs a hand over his smooth head. “It could be a promotion,” he says carefully. “Tom and I discussed it, and we’d like you to take the project lead position for a trial period. If it goes well, then we can make the title official. At that point, it could include a jump in salary and maybe some stock options.”

He is still watching me, and I feel my heart rate speed up. Just like I thought, he wants to give me more work with no more pay, at least not in the short term, and his wording has the left the possibility of no official promotion ever occurring. But other than time, I suppose I have nothing to lose by accepting the project lead position and continuing to interview for other positions. The title of project lead would look good on my resumé.

“This sounds like an interesting opportunity,” I finally say. “Thank you for thinking of me.”

His patient expression transforms into a pleased grin. “Of course we thought of you. You’ll do a great job.”

And just like that, I’m project lead.

“I’ll send out an announcement to the group later in the week, along with information about the department changes,” Rob continues. “Until then, let’s keep this to ourselves. We’ll talk more about what you’ll be doing as project lead later in the week after the announcement is made. Sound good?”

“Sounds good,” I answer, standing up to leave.

“Oh, Andrea, don’t miss The Bachelor tonight.” Rob starts to turn back to his laptop, but stops midway to impart this important piece of information to me. “They’re getting down to the wire. Who do you think he’ll pick? I bet it will be the blonde,” he says.

I can’t help but give the reappearance of his good humor an answering grin. “I know it’s a stereotype, but the blonde seems like an airhead to me. I think he’ll choose someone more on his level, like maybe the red head,” I answer.

The right side of Rob’s mouth hitches up sardonically. “You’ve got a lot to learn about men, Andrea.”

I review my answer and realize that I can’t argue my point with much conviction.

Nate is at his desk when I return. Immediately, I feel guilty. I’m not supposed to say anything, but do I owe Nate a heads up, I wonder? Copyright 2016 - 2024