Sometime Soon - By Debra Doxer Page 0,31

ruefully. “I probably won’t hear from him again anyway. Even if I did, you’re right. It’s a deal-breaker. I can’t get past it. Not even for some fun.”

“There’s nothing wrong with just having fun,” Jonathan repeats.

Laura elbows him as she begins to the clear the table. “Andy and I are good girls. We don’t just have fun.”

“Very true. You’ve got the ring to prove it,” he says, grabbing at her. She playfully dodges him. I feign exasperation, but I can’t help chuckling at them.

“I’ve got more to tell you when you’re ready,” I add, carrying my dishes to the sink, which appears to have no room for additional dishes.

“There’s more?” Jonathan asks. “What else did this poor sucker do to offend you?”

I roll my eyes at him. “Different topic. Far more interesting.”

“We’ve got ice cream,” Laura offers, peering into the freezer.

“No thanks. I’m stuffed.” Jonathan rubs his flat stomach.

I never turn down ice cream. “I’ll have some.”

“Me, too,” she agrees grabbing the carton.

“Well, if you’re both having ice cream, I guess I’ve got some room left.” He pretends to hedge, eyeing the carton of double chocolate chip.

We settle onto the couch in the living room with our bowls of ice cream, and I start in on my second story.

Laura’s reactions are as I expected. “Oh my god,” she intones several times.

Jonathan, however, is a bit clueless. “Who is this Bryn person?” he asks. “Wait, is Bryn engaged to Mike?” “You mean Katie got divorced? When did that happen?” By the time I get Jonathan up to speed, I ‘m exhausted.

“How are you going to tell her?” Laura wonders.

“I don’t know. I can’t even imagine it. But telling her is the right thing. Right?”

Laura nods.

“She won’t thank you, though,” Jonathan adds.

“Mom told me to be prepared for her to get angry at me.”

“Who knows how she’ll react,” Laura says.

“Katie is pretty cute, from what I remember.” Jonathan furrows his brow as though trying to call up her image.

“She’s gorgeous,” Laura replies. “I have to say, compared to Katie, Bryn isn’t much in the looks department.”

“Bryn isn’t unattractive,” I argue, wondering why I ‘m defending her.

“Why did Katie get divorced?” Jonathan asks.

“Her husband left her for someone else.”

“Oh boy,” he replies.

“Maybe she purposely finds men who can’t be faithful. Maybe she’s got some hang ups,” Laura suggests.

“Maybe she’s easy prey, so trusting and optimistic all the time. She’s easily taken advantage of,” I say.

“Do you want me to go with you?” Laura offers.

“Thanks. But Katie doesn’t know you that well. I doubt she’ll appreciate an audience. I appreciate the offer though.”

“Well girls, I’m beat.” The couch cushions lift as Jonathan stands. “You’ve got a full plate these days, Andy. If you need any more advice, my door is always open.”

“Thank you sensei,” I respond solemnly.

“Brat,” he teases, chucking me under the chin and bidding us good night. He then retreats into the bedroom.

I stand, gather our empty ice cream bowls, and carry them to the sink which overflows with dirty dishes. After checking that the dishwasher still has room, I start rinsing.

“What are you doing?” Laura comes up beside me, her weary eyes on the dish pile.

“It will take ten minutes, tops.”

She smiles gratefully, picking up a dishcloth to help dry the washed overflow once the dishwasher is full.

“I’m really sorry about your date,” she says later, standing by the door to see me out. “You’ll meet someone great soon. I know it.”

I smile at her, wondering what it must feel like to know you never have to date again, to know that you have found your soul mate, and you are about to commit yourself to him for life.

Once I’m back in the car, I realize that my cell phone is emitting a quiet beep, indicating that I have a message. I dial into my voicemail and hear Ryan Miller’s voice. He apologizes for not calling me sooner in the week, and then he asks if I want to drive down to the beach with him on Saturday. But my Saturday has already been booked for bathing suits and bad news. I’ll have to call him back and try to reschedule. I wouldn’t mind a nice relaxing day on the beach. Because my expectations for dates are so low now, I don’t even panic at the thought of him seeing me in a bathing suit. I hope Sunday will work for him. This is the second Saturday invitation from him I’ll be turning down. His call also reminds me that I’ve Copyright 2016 - 2024