Something of a Kind - By Miranda Wheeler Page 0,37

not that I don’t…” she sighed. “I’m very sorry you had to deal with that, but I want you to know you don’t have to worry about it being a problem with me.”

He shook his head. “Seriously, tha nk you. I think you helped everybody calm down, especially Sarah and Kennedy. Getting everyone to focus like that…”

“I’m only good with people when they’re acting weirder than me,” she mused. “Not a big deal, at all, like I said.”

“That’s everyone in Ashland. I think you’re all set.” He laughed. “Scared off yet?”

“Hardly.” Staring at her hands, she added, “I’m sorry you have to deal with that. It’s not right.”

He shrugged, jogging ahead of her to grab the door. “Don’t be. It’s not forever. When I graduate, I’ll be able to get my sister and I out of here. I can’t even think about that part yet though.”

“I know what you mean. I don’t have to live with my dad if I’m not a minor. At the end of this school year, I’m eighteen. Then I’ll figure things out.”

So what happens when the year ends?

He nodded, silent for a moment.

“So… if you’re not going to go home and pack your bags for the next flight,” Noah teased. “Are you as ready to crash as I am?”

“Yeah, definitely. It’s nice to go home by myself, totally f ree from Greg.” Aly sighed, almost wistful. “When he’s not there, it’s like I can actually call it that. It’s… comforting.”

She followed him out the door as she spoke. He sat down beneath the window, free from the eyes behind the wall. She frowned, looking between her car and the space at his side. Grinning, he grabbed her sleeve, pulling her down beside him. She laughed, crashing into his embrace. Sobered, she swallowed, scrutinizing his expression.

As she slid her arms around his neck, Noah shuddered. Aly hesitated. Holding still, he waited for her to relax in his arms. She smelled like lavender, with vanilla.

“I don’t know what I’m doing,” he confessed.

“Me neither,” she whispered.

Noah bit his lip, staring at hers.

Her fingertips brushed his jaw, warm palms loosely resting against his cheeks. He could taste her breath, like sweet mint. Her eyes, wide and blue, met his, letting him decide. He moved his hands to her waist, pulling her close. Taking a breath, he pressed his lips to hers. In his arms, Aly shivered.

The doors at her back flew open. She slammed her hands into his chest, pushing herself away. Lee stood beside them, paisley shirt unbuttoned over his beer belly, his hair greased into a low pony tail. Half-hunched, his fists curled into is hips as he stumbled back and forth, swiveling as he looked to and fro.

Having broken apart, they weren’t seen by his father. When he spotted them, Lee peered down from behind his glasses. They had slid to the tip of his nose, his sleeves rolled halfway up is forearm. An upper lip curled in a sneer, revealing yellowed teeth and gums blackened with tobacco.

He looks like a half-cocked librarian cowboy.

Jerking his head at Aly, chin wiggling, Lee snapped, “Get.”

Noah gripped her hand as Aly stood up. Squeezing it, she pulled away, forcing a polite smile. Offering a tiny wave, she nodded towards Lee. Noah’s jaw set, eyes narrowing to a glare at his father. Before he could say a word, she gave him a warning look, slightly shaking her head.

Does she smell the booze too?

Hating himself for not having words, he realized he had been too stunned to speak. As Noah blinked to clear the haze, Lee cleared his throat, launching a series of coughs. Noah ignored him. He jumped to his feet, watching as she pulled out her keys.

Swaying to Greg’s car, Aly paused, spinning around to face them. Cocking her head to one side, she cracked a smile. Chin up, she called, “And Noah?”

“Yeah?” “I’m really glad your sister’s okay.”


“Get out of here.” Noah glanced out the window to see the man running; ducking as though it would cover him from the pouring rain. “My sister’s fine. Ole Jakers here has her covered.”

Noah forced a smile, clapping a hand on his shoulder. Kennedy looked across the table to Sarah, as if seeking permission. A dimple sprouted with her half-smile, followed by a quick nod. As he dragged himself out of the booth, he hung his head, as sullen as ever.

“Tomorrow?” he clarified. Sarah winked, jerking her chin towards the door. He put his hands up, his hair falling over his Copyright 2016 - 2024