Something of a Kind - By Miranda Wheeler Page 0,19

pretending to run the turn. Hesitantly letting go of her to cross over the corner, he was unable to gather the courage to replace his hand. After a moment, she tucked her hands beneath her knees, crossing her ankles as they approached her drive.

He needed to know when he’d see her again. “The culture, huh?” he murmured, stealing a peek at her. She shifted in her seat to face him, a smile on her face. “You know those tracks I was talking to you about, and the paintings? If you’re up for it, maybe tomorrow I could drive you up there. I’ll ask around and get more info on the legends.” Unable to hide his grin, Noah playfully added, “Unless you’re scared, of course.”

"Of course not. Sounds perfect," Aly agreed, sounding pleased.

After unbuckling, she elbowed out of his coat, a loan he offered after watching her shiver while he fastened the ATV to the trailer.

She folded it in half and slid it over the dash, whispering thanks for the afternoon, the ride, and the jacket.

He wanted to say something besides ‘you’re welcome’ – anything to keep her in the truck, to continue the conversation, to apologize for his friends, for making her sad about her mom, for getting her scared of the woods. Something to get inside her head and figure out what it was that made it work.

Someone so quiet has to be screaming inside.

“I’ll wait until you’re inside,” he promised, feeling pathetic.

Aly thanked him again, smiling as she gently waved goodbye and slipped onto the path winding towards the tiny porch. As she approached, a light stirred, flooding the yard. She waited by the door, knocking and ringing the bell. He grew anxious, afraid he pulled into the wrong place.

She moved in yesterday. Would she even notice? Oh, hell.

They waited a few moments more. She stood on the tips of her toes, peering into the tiny window above the peep hole. It remained dark. She turned and covered her eyes, peering into the darkness. He flashed the headlights and her frame shook with a breath of relief. Aly raised her arms questioningly, shrugging in spite of her nervous expression. Unsure whether or not she could see him, he beckoned her back to the truck. After a moment she spirited towards him, opening the door and leaning in to speak.

“He’s not home yet,” she sighed, glancing back at the empty house. “He never gave me a key.”

“We’ll go get a drink or something. There’s a little shop on my way back.”

“Are you sure? I could just call my dad and wait on the steps.”

“Yeah, I am. You seem surprised,” he laughed.

“I just… You knew exactly what to do. I’m kind of… totally frazzled,” she confessed, following his motion for her to sit down.

Noah twisted the stereo up as he backed onto the street, pulling up the hill to turn around. When he could risk a glance, he watched her fingers tapped to the music. Most people heard the drums. She felt the bass.

It’s kind of perfect.

The parking lot to the Seaside Minimart was deserted, lights flickering over the pumps like cracked spotlights. He parked away from the dumpsters, unconcerned with the walk towards the building. Ashland was in the middle-of-nowhere, and even the gas station was too far of a commute for the local drunks to roam. Aside from the occasional bear sighting, there wasn’t much danger in the shadows.

Aly sat on the curb. He assumed she was texting the doctor. With a wave of permission, Noah braved the too-bright florescent to burn through the last of his dwindling paycheck on coffee. She nodded happily when he told her the contents, unaware he remembered her request for cream and sweetener from that morning. For whatever reason, it didn’t bother him letting her think he’d made a lucky guess.

“So what’s your plan, Aly Glass?” Noah asked, taking a seat beside her.

While he was inside, she had migrated from the edge of the sidewalk to a space against the concrete wall. His elbows balanced loosely on his knees, while she seemed to curl around the steam released from the cup’s lid.

“Are we good for tomorrow?” she replied through her hair, staring at the sky.

He felt her take a deep breath as he pulled a lock behind her ear, exposing her hidden face. She glanced through her eyelashes, waiting for an answer. He bit his lip, staring at hers.

“Of course. That’s not what I meant though,” he continued, swallowing a searing mouthful Copyright 2016 - 2024