Something Like Hate - Harloe Rae Page 0,86

shitting his pants while trying to discipline me for sleeping with a client. This accusation is based on hearsay, which makes it worse. Vile hatred for that woman incinerates my veins. I pat at my arms to be sure that blisters aren’t forming.

He sucks in a deep breath and launches into the next level of his spiel. “With that being said, I have no clue if Olivia’s claims are even true. I would’ve been reluctant to believe her if I didn’t just witness your outburst with him. That display was from a woman scorned, Vannah. This is exactly why mixing business and pleasure causes complications. Lashing out at our biggest account holder is unacceptable. Before I assigned him to you, I said he could change the name of our company. Refusing to speak with him while he’s trying to discuss future projects defeats that purpose. I can’t have you jeopardizing our reputation over a lover’s spat that has nothing to do with Brogen Realty.”

My cheeks sting, signaling that there’s a deep blush blooming. He sure knows how to kick a bitch while she’s already down. I’m freshly battered and bruised, and this is too much for my wounded soul. Not that he’s truly aware of my demise with Landon. Countless rebuttals are swirling through my mind, but I remain silent. That probably slaps a guilty stamp on my forehead.

“I can’t reward that type of behavior,” Vince continues. “You were being considered for a leadership role, but what I saw today proves you’re not ready for that responsibility. There’s a lot left for you to learn, which includes maintaining appropriate boundaries with clients. This can’t happen again, Vannah.”

What an asshole. Reciting sections from anti-discrimination laws would be adequate payback. There is zero evidence that the supposed crime he’s accusing me of is actually true. He’s skating on thin ice in regard to violating my rights. I’ve broken enough rules lately to let that slide, at least until I can be more rational while processing through this.

I’m also tempted to ream him out for slut-shaming me. Almost enough to spit out an explicit slew I’ll never be able to take back. Regardless of my position in this company, if I plan to work in real estate moving forward, I don’t need to burn all of my bridges. My commission from the Sunny Skies account isn’t finalized by any means, but I’ve already far surpassed my yearly quota. I’ll be all right on my own.

After listening to quite enough of his drivel already, I stand and resurrect my boss bitch face. It’s about damn time that mask makes a reappearance. “I quit.”

This might’ve been an impulsive decision, but the strain clamping my chest eases once the words escape. I control my own destiny, dammit. Too much power has already been stripped from me.

Vince’s jaw goes slack, then he begins blubbering like a fish out of water. “Um, what? No, Vannah. Uh, you don’t… I mean, this isn’t—”

“That’s where you’re wrong. I’ve outgrown grow this place, especially after your little speech about setting a good example to other staff. Nice excuse, Vince.” I pause in my dignified retreat to peek at him over my shoulder. “Were you really planning to give me the promotion?”

His brow furrows, as if my question stumps him. “Prior to this? Absolutely.”

“Huh,” I mutter. “Well, that sucks.”

Then I walk out. It takes me all of seven minutes to pack my shit. I’m a minimalist like that. Just as I’m stacking the last of my files, a nasally voice stabs into the routine motions I’d been gliding on.

“Oh, did you get fired?” Olivia’s pout is faker than her boob job. That snide comment doesn’t deserve a response. She doesn’t take the not-so-subtle hint. “I guess Landon Winters will be all mine now.”

A knife lodges directly into my spine. The resulting flinch is unavoidable. I like to consider myself level-headed and logical. I’ve always believed that dragging too many emotions into any circumstance is certain to leave a clear path for trouble to follow. I continue gnawing on my tongue while she yaps at me. This girl has done me wrong, but there’s a silver lining.

With a slow inhale, I spin on my heel to stare her down. “Karma is a real bitch, Olivia. She won’t be gentle with you.”

“Bring it on,” she taunts.

I just shake my head and strut away. Each click of my stilettos symbolizes a step I’m making for the better. Further away from her, this company, and the Copyright 2016 - 2024