Something Like Hate - Harloe Rae Page 0,68

of the ball.

Vannah laughs, the tone soft and lyrical. “Providing gossip material for the rich and bored has been on my bucket list.”

I trace the shape of her angular chin. “People won’t be able to keep your name from their mouths. You’re a showstopper on a daily basis, sugar. Tonight is an entirely different story.”

“Dammit.” She curses a filthy slew under her breath.

I can’t imagine what’s her latest affliction. “Problem?”

She’s glaring out the window. “I don’t like it when you’re decent. If you were hauling me to an ostentatious soiree for no reason other than to spend a small fortune on frivolous things, it would be easier on my resolve.”

“Not that predictable after all, huh?”

“Don’t sound so smug.”

“I wouldn’t dare.” We both know that’s a lie.

Vannah studies me for a beat, then crosses her arms with a huff. “Well, for what it’s worth, I’m a little impressed.”

Small or not, any victory against her is monumental. “Does that deserve a reward?”

She bats her lashes in that ridiculous way I’m growing attached to. “Should I straddle your lap?”

I bite my fist with a groan. “You temptress. I’d hate to ruin your flawless appearance.”

A shrug meets my sound reasoning. “I don’t mind being mussed. A pristine presentation is overrated.”

“Not in this case.” I’m all for breaking society’s rigid expectations, but I refuse to let Vannah become a laughingstock. She’s not from this world and doesn’t understand the hell it can bring.

Her expression hardens. “Right, I almost forgot.”

“After,” I promise. I’m not sure if that vow is for me or her.

“We’ll see.” Her voice is flat and bland as she drops her gaze.

“Savannah.” I reach for her hand again, threading our fingers. Even I can offer tender contact when necessary. “I didn’t mean to ruin the moment.”

“It was bound to happen eventually,” she mutters. “Don’t worry about it, Lannie. I know where we stand. The Haters Club, right?”

My chance to make amends is stolen from me as we reach our destination. The planetarium is already teeming with activity when Karl steers to the front entrance. An attendant rushes to open my door, sweeping into a low bow like we’re the king and queen. The performance these organizers insist on providing is a tad over the top. I imagine most of this crowd loves being doted on, though.

“I suppose this counts as a private tour.” Vannah’s whisper reaches me while I offer a hand to help her from the low seat.

“With a hundred others included.” Not nearly secluded enough for my liking. Every man at the event will be breaking his neck to get a look at her. She’ll be on my arm, though.

“Could be worse, like a baseball stadium.” Her throaty laugh sends a ripple through me.

Or a fucking boat cruise.

But this isn’t the time to digress about stupid shit.

As predicted, heads snap in our direction as we exit the limo. Hushed murmurs follow us inside, growing in intensity as we enter the throng. Vannah rolls her shoulders back, accentuating the sway in her hips.

“You’re going to create a buzz that’ll last all year.” The warning should shake her from this rebellion.

A gleam twinkles in her eyes and she blows me a kiss. “Good.”

We stride forward, linked at the elbow. Vannah’s smile is bright enough to battle the sun. She’s determined to make a scene, push my limits, and shove until I snap. There’s no chance I’ll lay claim to her, but that doesn’t mean another guy can swoop in and try his luck. Fuck that. She’s mine tonight. I’ll chase every other bastard off if need be.

She shoots me a sly grin, tacking a wink on top. “I like to consider myself a conversationalist. Providing them with a topic to discuss is my due diligence. This will be fun.”

There goes our fun discrepancy again. “You don’t owe them anything. The vultures in this circle can be brutal.”

She tosses her head, sending red curls to cascade from left to right. The motion exposes her naked back. This is further proof that her gown is a torture device against men. “Have you met me? I can handle it.”

She certainly can, which is a talent most will never achieve. Why the fuck am I concerning myself over her anyway? This woman is getting under my skin and I need to get her out.

A familiar face rushes over to accost us before we’ve even found a place to stand. “I never thought I’d see the day, Winters. You’re finally settling down.”

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