Something Like Hate - Harloe Rae Page 0,61

you’re planning to give me a glimpse at your panties.”

A flush blazes up her slender neck. She flutters a hand over the red splotches. “You’re really dirty.”

“I’m discovering that’s your influence on me.” And I’m looking forward to exploring these carnal desires with her.

Vannah bites her lip, the plump flesh ripe for the sucking. The fact that she’s not shying away leaves the door open for further conversation, if I’m willing. Talking isn’t a chore, but every interaction with her creates bigger problems. Even so, I’m reluctant to demolish that sparkle in her eyes, especially when it’s aimed at me. Humoring her not-so-subtle demand for idle chitchat isn’t much to ask. I can give her that. Once we land, all bets are off.

As if hearing my internal debate, Vannah clears her throat. “Is this a common occurrence for you, Lannie?”

My fantasies run wild with possibilities. It’s in my best interest to seek clarification before she slams a wall down. “Care to be more specific?”

She waves a loose wrist at our surroundings. “Whisk women away from their normalcy and lavish them in the finer things?”


“Forthcoming as ever,” she mutters.

“Elaborating isn’t necessary.”

Vannah twists her mouth in a disapproving pout. “I could use more information in this case. Why am I here, on this ritzy jet, with you?”

“I’m trying to steal you from under Vince’s thumb.” Honesty is the best policy and all that.

She bursts out laughing, but sobers when my expression remains stoic. “I sure hope not.”

“Your talents are being wasted,” I reason.

“According to you.”

“Contrary to your low opinion of me, I’m rather good at what I do.”

Her glare could spit nails. Snuffing that sweetness from her took less than five minutes. “Be that as it may, I’m not leaving Brogen Realty.”

“Yet,” I counter.

Red hair whips at her arms when she disagrees. Again. “Not until I choose to do so for reasons that won’t involve you.”

“All right, sugar.” I steeple my fingers while staring at her with blatant scrutiny. “I have plenty to keep you busy in the meantime. Meeting my demands requires dedication and commitment, which aren’t always easy to gain. Research proves that a person’s performance significantly improves when given incentives and positive reinforcement.”

The green in Vannah’s eyes brightens with a shrewd gleam. “Am I expected to believe you do this for all your contracted services?”

“Are you always this skeptical?”

“That’s something you bring out in me.”

Clever vixen.

The burn reignites in my bloodstream. Her sass might as well be a prescribed aphrodisiac. “It’s not special treatment, Savannah. It’s expected that I host a night on the town for my visiting associates. Do you have a complex?”

“Only because you’re giving me one.” Her potent energy zaps toward me like a live wire.

The urge to throttle her, at least mentally, flexes my muscles. “I’ll try to improve that for your sake.”

“We should start a club.” She’s looking out the window while addressing me.

I wonder what she’s picturing. Maybe my head impaled on a spike. “Are we in elementary school?”

“Don’t be rude.” Her scold is emphasized with a wrinkle of her freckled nose.

“I’m being honest. Isn’t that a quality you appreciate?”

Vannah huffs, but isn’t dissuaded from the silly notion. “Let’s call it The Haters Club.”

Indulging this nonsense might allow me back into her not-so-hateful graces. “Who else will we invite?”

She flicks her gaze at me. “Just us. Exclusive access.”

“That’s a concept I can get behind.”

“Just so we don’t forget where our allegiance stands.” Her expression reflects smug satisfaction.

“Is this additional security in case you fall for me? We might not be enemies forever, sugar.”

She scoffs, polishing off her mimosa. “Speak for yourself.”

“Now whose pants are at risk of being on fire?”

“Real funny.” Vannah laughs loud enough to shake the entire plane.

“That’s a requirement when bantering with you. I’m not trying to be a dick.”

“For once.”

“I spilled my guts about that woman we are never speaking about again.”

“That doesn’t absolve your prior transgressions.”

“You could give me a chance.” The grin I force probably resembles a drunk sneer.

The grit in her abrasive attitude fades with an extended sigh. “Fine. How long do you plan on corralling me in Chicago?”

“However long it takes.”

A groove dents the smooth skin between her brows. “That’s not vaguely disturbing or anything.”

“We have much to accomplish,” I remind.

“What’s first on the list?”

“I’ll bring you to my office.”

Vannah pretends to fall asleep, a loud snore shaking her upper body. “How thrilling.”

“Is there something you’d prefer?”

“I thought you were going to show me your city.” Her mocking tone doesn’t go unnoticed.

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