Something Like Hate - Harloe Rae Page 0,39

okay?” It’s a bit of a sore spot for me. I will freely admit that lacking a general awareness of his existence was an oversight on my part.

Clea is trying to muffle her laughter. “This just makes my entire month.”

I pin a twitchy eyelid on her. “Oh, shut it.”

Meanwhile, my mother remains in a contemplative state. “Is this one of those pranks you kids like to pull?”

If only I were that creative. “No, Mom. This is real.”

“Wow,” she mouths.

“Again, not a huge deal.”

“Landon Winters is a very huge deal, Vannah. This is very exciting.” The twinkle in her eyes confirms as much. “Are you two an item?

I cackle—very loud—garnering attention from everyone in the salon. “That’d be a hard no.”

“But he’s so handsome.” She leans forward to add, “And very rich.”

He’s also a raging egomaniac. “Good for him. I’m just trying to sell him some properties.”

“Just wait until your father hears about this. He’ll be so proud—”

“Please don’t tell him,” I blurt.

“Vannah,” she admonishes me.

“This is only a trial run,” I rush to say. “I don’t want to jinx anything.”

“What could go wrong? You’re the greatest at what you do.” I doubt she fully understands the complexity behind being successful in my occupation.

“Let’s just say he’s… challenging.” And that’s a generous description. Aside from a few chuckles and lopsided smirks, the guy could be mistaken for concrete. It’s a talent to remain that stoic for hours. That’s without taking his sunny personality into account.

My mother swats at the space between us. “That’s not a problem. Your specialty is managing difficult men.”

I turn toward Clea while hitching a thumb at my mom. “She gets me.”

My friend shakes her head. “I would hope so, considering she birthed you.”

The woman in question has a wistful expression across her features. I can practically see the memories replaying in her starry gaze. Just as quickly, the calm softness vanishes from her features. “We’re not done discussing Landon.”

I glare at the ceiling. “There’s not much to tell. I’ve only met with him a handful of times.”

“You said he’s challenging. Is that code for him being mean?” Mama Bear mode appears in tense lines around her eyes.

Sharing the gritty truth isn’t going to help anyone. “No, he’s perfectly fine.”

Clea scoffs, knowing full well I’m lying through my teeth. “Then what are you complaining about? Having him as a client will give your reputation a serious overhaul. Everyone will seek you out because of him.”

“That’s only if he gives me a glowing recommendation for referrals.” Which is less likely than winning the lottery.

My mom pats my cheek. “What’s the worst he could say about a wonderful girl like you?”

There’s no good way to answer that.

“Okay, enough shop talk.” I press a finger to my lips. “Let’s not ruin my favorite part.”

The nail technician begins massaging my arch and I just about melt into a puddle. I’m spewing noises that are indecent at best.

“Jeez,” Clea exclaims. “I’d like some of that too.”

I barely hear her as the lady digs into my heel. “Oh, yes. Right there.”

“Vannah,” my mother scolds.

“I can’t help it,” I whimper. “It feels so good.”

The queen administering my pure pleasure laughs. “Don’t worry. It happens all the time.”

“I bet Landon Winters could get that reaction for an entirely different reason,” Clea murmurs. She shares a wink with my mother.

If they only knew how rotten he is at the core…

And that’s the real kicker. He’s incorrigible, but most seem willing to overlook his lethal flaws. I’m trapped in this torment by my own doing. Regret hasn’t settled in quite yet. There’s room for improvement at this rate.

If nothing else, I’m figuring out what makes him tick. We have yet to discuss his revealing outburst, but I have every intention of exploiting that sensitive spot when the moment calls. I discovered a sliver of good, uncovering that Landon is human after all. He cares about someone, whether past or present doesn’t make a different to me. Hate might be all that remains, but he might’ve loved this mystery girl at some point.

Whoever she is must’ve been a real piece of work. She’s my shero. Well, unless she did something horrible. I can’t even imagine what happened to cause such a lasting impact on a man like Landon. She’s his weak spot, and I have every intention of using her to my advantage.

As if summoned by the devil, my cell phone begins to ring. Landon’s number flashes across the screen. Someone’s ears must’ve been burning. The clench in my Copyright 2016 - 2024