Something Like Hate - Harloe Rae Page 0,36

plates slide in front of us with a trained ease this server will be generously compensated for. He’s gone before I can consider thanking him. Sunset Perch has the kind of competent staff I don’t see often enough in these so-called ritzy establishments. I’ll have to remember this place for future meetings.

Vannah slices through her steak with a hunter’s precision. It’s not lost on me that her eyes never stray to the plate. “You could have any agent for this, Lannie. Why me?”

I dig into my own meal while keeping my gaze on her. “I’ve already answered that.”

“Humor me,” she goads.

“You have the tenacity and skill to be the best in this industry. I want to provide that for you.”

“Just like that?”

“Sure, why not?”

She presses her ruby lips into a thin line. “Because you’re not a selfless, kind person.”

I deflect her shot with a grunt. “You wound me, woman.”

“No, I don’t. You’d require feelings for that, which I do recall you claiming to have none.”

There’s no arguing with that logic. “Be that as it may, I want you for this position. The reasoning doesn’t matter. I prefer going directly to the source, cut out the middleman, and all that. You should be the one to decide, and not because Vince assigns you.”

Her features pinch in consideration. “You want to hear me say I’ll be subservient.”

I nearly choke on my meat. “Is that a possibility?”

“Not in your dirtiest fantasies.” She paints a damn fine picture, though.

“See? You’re not afraid to refuse. I can’t teach someone to be bulletproof. That iron will you possess is what I’m after.”

“Under false pretenses,” she counters.

“I haven’t been dishonest with you.”

“Yet,” she tacks on. “The night is ripe for deceit.”

A retort brews in my chest. I might be ruthless, but I still have morals. “I didn’t get to the top by stepping on others. You’ll find that out when you come work for me.”

“With you,” she corrects.

I hold up a palm. “I’m willing to grant you some leeway, but we’re not equals.”

“Trust me, I’m not under the impression that we are.”

“Glad that’s settled.”

She squints at me while taking a sip from her glass. “For curiosity’s sake, do you have a real estate agent in every state?”

“That would be excessive, even for me,” I explain.

“Wouldn’t it make sense for you to choose someone from Chicago?”

“Are you trying to hand this job to someone else?”

“Not exactly, but I’m based in a Minneapolis office.” Her reminder is wholly unnecessary.

“Traveling can be expected.”

“I won’t leave Brogen Reality.”

“Not immediately, no.”

“Ever,” she states with a false sense of authority. “Or at least until I choose to go elsewhere.”

“We’ll see. There are branches across the nation if it comes to that.” For the sake of speeding this process along, I’ll concede to a certain extent. Temporarily, of course.

Vannah wags her fork at me. “I refuse to lose control of my career. You and this outrageous offer cannot be trusted.”

Pressure builds against my skull. This woman would debate the moon’s existence if it meant not agreeing with me. “You’d rather have Vince force you into this deal?”

She wrinkles her nose. “Not when you describe it like that.”

I glare at her. “You’re just not willing to take full responsibility for agreeing. Do you need a scapegoat to fall back on, sugar?”

“Can you blame me?”

I need to draw in a slow breath. “You’re overthinking and turning this opportunity into a problematic issue. What’re you afraid of, Savannah? I’m trying to offer you the deal of a lifetime.”

“Which is why I’m so skeptical,” she replies.

“Don’t be.” I spear my final bite of filet. “Let’s wrap this up.”

Vannah finishes chewing her last piece as well. “In a pretty bow?”

“Sure, if that’s how you prefer bonus checks to be delivered.”

“It’s not about the money,” she reiterates.

That’s certainly the truth in her case. This woman is relentless about being independent and standing apart. Her bold attitude is proof enough on that front. She isn’t driven by wealth or the need to acquire financial stability. Vannah cares more about integrity and being a leader in her field. Her reward is gaining respect in this competitive—and largely male-dominated—occupation. I’m sure uncovering a diamond in the rough for a client is a huge lady-boner for her.

With a roll of my shoulders, I relax in my chair. “I can promise you a reputable portfolio that others will envy until their complexion is greener than your eyes.”

“It’ll look great from the outside looking in, sure. But you’re stocking the lake. I’m just reeling in the Copyright 2016 - 2024