Something Like Hate - Harloe Rae Page 0,24

as punishment for pursuing him.

“Nothing of real value, I’m afraid. Perhaps that’s why you’re still here.”

“Gaining background information on my clients is protocol.”

“It’s highly doubtful that my preferences for a suitable significant other fit in those boundaries.” He yanks at his shirt collar again.

I hold up a palm. “Wait, am I making you uncomfortable?”

Landon’s features smooth into an unreadable mask. His hand drops faster than a lead weight. “That’s entirely impossible.”

“Then you won’t mind telling me more. Shall we proceed?” I tap a thumb on my thigh while swallowing a smile.

His gaze flashes as my sentence backs him in a proverbial corner. Unless he’s willing to admit defeat, I’ll continue prodding at this topic until the well runs dry. “Invading my privacy is a coward’s tactic.”

I twist my lips to one side. “Is that a no?”

A muscle at the hinge in his jaw flexes. He’s liable to crack a molar under that pressure. “By all means, Savannah, entertain your dull existence with my archaic customs.”

Repeating my choice of terms does little to deflect the attention. “What if you don’t like the person you’re paired with?”

Landon sighs, aggravation cracking the edges of his flat affect. He’s still humoring my interest, though. “Affection has nothing to do with it.”

“Don’t you have feelings?” I pucker my mouth tighter, the idea more sour than sucking on a lemon.

“Yes, unfortunately. I’ve done my due diligence to ensure those weaknesses don’t interfere.” That ominous statement makes me shiver.

“Emotions make us human,” I murmur.

“Then perhaps I’m a different species.”

“An alien?” I tilt my head to inspect him. “Yeah, I could see that. That’s the only way a man with such power would settle for a lacking marriage.”

“Trying to manipulate my meaning? You’re quite transparent. By choosing a bride for reasons beyond attraction and commonalities, I only have more control to gain.”

“Ah, yes. I suppose the overwhelming divorce rate benefits your case.”

Landon pauses for a moment. “Are you agreeing with me?”

I snort. “Hardly. I prefer to remain optimistic regardless of the probability. Without chemistry and compassion, there’s no purpose to build a foundation on. Those core values allow a relationship to flourish and last.”

He grunts, the hollow sound striking against my sternum. “Your bleeding heart is making a mess on my floor.”

The snarky bitch who resides on both of my shoulders lifts her perfectly coiffed head. “Are you jealous that I have the freedom to choose?”

Landon throws his head back, showing off the notch of his Adam’s apple. That knob is a vibrant stain buried in short stubble. I want to bite it off just so he can watch me spit it out. “Hardly, sugar. I’d have to care in order for that to be true and I give fewer shits than what I flush every morning. Besides that, there’s nothing you have that I want. What I’ll reap from a designated pairing will double my worth, which means far more than measly pitter-patters and butterflies. Plus, my current fortune significantly outweighs the piddly sum you’ll accrue in a lifetime. And that’s only if you bust your ass. I highly doubt that will happen since you seem to have a bad habit of running your mouth.”

It’s sufficient to say I’ve struck a nerve. “Damn, Rambo. What girl broke your heart? I need to call her and figure out how she managed to tolerate you long enough for that con.”

A bellow escapes him, letting me know I hit the jackpot on his weakness. “We’re done here.”

That escalated rather quickly. I flutter my lashes while shifting upright in the chair, feigning shock like a poorly paid actress. “Don’t you want to discuss the property listings I found?”

His complexion takes on a ruddy hue as I picture steam spewing from his ears. “Get the fuck out of my office.”

“Gonna make me?” Goading him while he’s already knocked down isn’t my finest decision.

“I’ll get Vince on the phone and have you fired within seconds.”

“Degrading yourself to more threats against my career? At least toss in some blackmail. I thought you were a better opponent than that.” But I begin packing to leave regardless. There’s no reason to push him any further. The throbbing veins in his temple are concerning enough. I give a wiggle of my fingers while crossing over the threshold. “We’ll talk tomorrow once you’ve regained that prideful indifference you’re so fond of. Have a pleasant day now.”

He slams the door behind me as a parting blow, but it lacks any conviction. We’re both well aware of what’s reverberating through Copyright 2016 - 2024