Someone I Used to Know - By Blakney Francis Page 0,54

and he would be inside of me.

“Oh, God,” I moaned as my body bucked between him and the hard wood door behind me.

His tongue should be illegal. It was far more dangerous than any drug that had ever tempted me.

“Hold on,” his lips murmured, never surrendering their devouring pace against mine.

I didn’t know or care what he meant until his arms ensnared me, lifting me easily away from the door. With his attention on carrying me, I spread kisses along his jaw, going back twice to find the small birthmark decorating the skin just to the right of his chin. I flicked my tongue against it.

He shuddered, and three steps up were as far as we got. The stairway would have to do for the moment.

“That’s cheating,” he told me in a raspy voice, but I wasn’t about to start paying attention to him at that point in the game. He was just rough enough, settling our bodies across the carpeted stairs. I reached out for him, desperate to have him against me, but he resisted with a devious, little smirk that made me want to slap him and kiss him all at the same time.

“Tisk, tisk,” he murmured, dodging me needy hands again.

A small cry of frustration escaped me, but he ignored it, perfectly content to let his lustful eyes feast on every inch of my body beneath him. It was like he was about to enjoy a beautiful meal and he wanted to take every second to savor it, even down to the presentation.

“I didn’t think anything could possibly be sexier than those ridiculous duck shorts, but you nearly naked, writhing with desire is…” His eyes rolled back like he’d just taken the most delicious sip of wine, “bloody unbelievable.”

I almost growled as I grabbed for him again, but this time, instead of deflecting my attempt, he captured them. My hands felt small, dainty almost, cocooned in his larger grasp. He raised our interlocking fingers above my head, restraining them there. I was helpless, exposed to him.

Sex had never been like that for me before with Cam. I was always the one that was in control. The power was mine, and I liked it that way. The thought of handing over the reins to my partner was revolting and almost scary to me…But as my body tingled from head to toe, driven nearly to the edge by just the thought of the Adonis torturing me, I realized I would have let Declan Davies do whatever he wanted to me…and more.

When his fingertip finally made contact with my inner thigh, my breath hitched, nearly choking me. Up and down he teased me, stopping each time at the edge of my panties until I was panting his name, my head thrown back against the step above me. And just when I was sure I could go no higher, he slipped a single digit inside fabric. I almost came unglued.

“If you don’t fuck me right now, I swear to God I really will hate you.” The words that I wanted to come out as serious and demanding, leaving him with no choice but to fulfill my wishes, betrayed me with their husky overtone, a clear indication as to just how much control he had over me at the moment.

I didn’t see control when our eyes locked, though. He was just as close to coming undone as I was, and I planned to take full advantage of it. I sought the substantial length I’d felt pressed into me earlier, and as I found my prize underneath his soft boxers, he hissed like I’d burned him. A wild thrust into my massaging hand told me that pain was the last thing I was inflicting on him.

“Don’t stop,” he croaked as I swirled my tongue around his pale nipple, letting my hand return the favor of the irrational fervor he’d granted me. Whether he was talking about my mouth or what I was doing with my hand was irrelevant, because I had no intention of discontinuing either.

From our position, his hands sought what skin he could reach, and I nicked his collarbone with my teeth as a rough thumb dragged across my nipple underneath the lace of my bra. He yanked me back, and for a second I thought I’d accidentally hurt him, but the look in his eyes was glazed with lust not anger.

“I thought you didn’t want me stop?” I asked innocently, fluttering my eyelashes at him.

“If you don’t stop then I’m Copyright 2016 - 2024