Someone I Used to Know - By Blakney Francis Page 0,47

eye or something. That seemed like something she’d do; tell me to carry her and then go ballistic when I fulfilled her demand.

“Quit being a baby. I’m sleepy. My feet feel like they weigh a hundred pounds. Carry me, bitch.” Her face curved into the cutest pucker as she ordered me about. I kind of liked this bossy side of her.

“Your wish is my command.”

Sweeping a girl off her feet was a lot less graceful than I’d imagined, but with a little help from the driver, we got Cam’s house unlocked. I sent him back to the car as I followed Adley’s murmured directions to her bedroom. It was all going splendidly until I took a turn to quickly and rammed her head on the doorframe of her room.

“Son of a bitch!”

Yep, she was definitely awake. She clutched her injured head as she howled curses.

“I think you all are trying to kill me,” she told me as I laid her on the bed. The room was bland, giving absolutely nothing away about its inhabitant. There were no personal touches or knick-knacks strewn about or clues about her past.

Above the covers, her body curled into a tight ball around the nearest pillow.

“I haven’t exactly decided what I want to do with you yet,” I admitted with a sigh, taking a heavy seat beside her. Her eyes were closed and, even if she was still semiconscious, I highly doubted she’d be able to remember this tomorrow. “I find you far more interesting than I’d initially planned.”

“I want to have sex with you a lot more than I’d originally planned.” Her mouth was mashed into a pillow, obscuring the words, but I heard them loud and clear.

My ego swelled, blooming right across my smirking lips. She might have been fucked out of her mind, but at least I knew I was getting under her skin just as much as she was getting under mine. And it seemed we were both more interested in getting under each others’ clothes.

I didn’t even realize I’d leaned over until my lips grazed her forehead in the lightest kiss. At first I was stunned by my gentle actions, but then my own laughter caught me off guard.

“You smell horrible,” I told her, still chuckling. I leaned over to brush my lips over her forehead again.

And then I abruptly stopped laughing at all, slowly backing away from the bed like it held explosives. It practically did…

Being intrigued by someone by itself was one thing, and when you add in the physical attraction, we were already moving into dangerous territory, but if I was willing to hang out with her while smelled like a bar and wasn’t even conscious we were at Threat Level Orange: danger, danger Will Robinson.

No way in hell was I getting seriously involved with Adley Adair. She was a mess – a disaster really. Emotionally repressed didn’t even begin to describe it. This girl needed a therapist. I couldn’t possibly like her. It wasn’t even option.

No bloody way.

Chapter Nine


And the hits just kept on coming. I’d made a fool out of myself twice in front of Declan. As if he already didn’t have enough ammunition to torture me, I had gone and served up even more embarrassment on a silver platter.

Gaping, empty black spots blotted out random memories of the night, but I hadn’t yet ascertained whether the development was a good or bad thing. On one hand, it could have been completely innocent. Maybe I’d dozed off harmlessly. But honestly, considering one of the things I wished I could have forgotten was formulating a plan to molest him in the car, I had little to no faith that one of those missing holes didn’t hide something that would leave me chagrined. Even without knowing the whole story, the offensive aftertaste of shame hadn’t left me since I woke up Friday, wearing only Declan’s shirt and minus one very expensive, borrowed dress.

As a result of my indiscretion, I’d resorted back to an age-old solution I liked to call ‘rich people coping.’ Not that my family had been considered in any way ‘rich’ by Los Angeles standards. We were comfortable. But ‘comfortable people coping’ just didn’t have the same ring to it.

There are things about having money that they don’t tell you. Like how it might be nice to be able to throw money at a problem, but once it becomes the go-to solution, it can really come back to bite you in the ass. Eventually you Copyright 2016 - 2024