Someone I Used to Know - By Blakney Francis Page 0,44

actually complimenting me. Ugh. I didn’t like that at all. It made me feel like a buzzard picking at a lifeless carcass. It wasn’t any fun if she didn’t give as good as she got.

The thought struck me numb. If the fun was gone, then why was I bothering? I should’ve lost interest long ago.

The image of Adley dancing the night before, filled my head.

In her All-American, blonde-hair-blue-eyes way, she had always been pretty – beautiful even. There had never been any denying that she was a particular brand of attractive, even though I spent a lot of time assuring myself she didn’t attract me…Except that as I watched her dance at the club last night, what I’d felt defied the mere simplicities of beauty or appeal.

I hadn’t been able to take my eyes off of her. It had become a physical impossibility, as if I’d been ensnared in some witch’s spell. I could see nothing but her.

Her hair had been trimmed; taking away some of the beachy stringiness that had reminded me of the surfer girls back home. Instead of ragged waves, the sandy locks had twisted into full curls that fell around her face with careless abandon as she moved. The red I’d suggested for her dress wasn’t just catching my attention. Almost every bloke who passed her took the time to roam over the tantalizing curves that could’ve easily been cultivated into a weapon if she ever cared enough to learn how.

She might have been a little bit more polished, but in the end she was still Adley. Her appearance was one thing. Beauty was no rare commodity in La La Land, or elsewhere in my life. Beautiful girls were everywhere.

It was the way she danced. It was the look on her face. It was wholly unattainable.

And just for a second, I’d caught a glimpse of something utterly breathtaking.

Wasn’t that what I’d been looking for all along? Didn’t I just want to see what had called Cam’s pen to paper? Hadn’t I been searching for that Adley Adair? – The one who could spark such remarkable inspiration?

What I saw hadn’t been the antidote I needed though. Far from it. It was a mere tease. All I wanted was more. The seductive movement of her body begged me to figure her out, not the girl Cam had known, but the enigma in front of me. I wanted to fuck her until I knew every inch of her sinful body, and her secrets, had nowhere else to hide.

“Jim’s sick.” The tech savvy AD was standing right in front of me, leaving me to wonder how long I’d been lost in my salacious thoughts. Long enough for him to start a conversation with me, apparently.

“Jim?” I grappled momentarily trying to find my way back to reality. It was like swinging a bat and trying to hit a baseball in the dark. “…right. Jim Bingle. He plays Mr. Adair.”

The AD nodded slowly, his pockmarked face scrunching with worry at my strange behavior. He was probably scared I was going to lose it, and he’d have to find a new job.

“His scenes were being filmed today. Georgia decided to do the reshoots of the date scene today instead…They’re expecting you in wardrobe now.”

He walked away, having finished his report, but I was incapable of rushing off right away like I needed to. I was forced to continue my falsely interested study of the crafts table, to keep from displaying any visible signs of my naughty thoughts. Damn Adley.

Madeline beat me there. Surprise, surprise. As I was redressed and enduring a face full of powder, I couldn’t help but sneak glances at Adley. Not that she noticed, hunched in a chair in the corner. I was almost positive she was sleeping under the safety of her sunglasses. My theory was only encouraged when Madeline announced it was time to move to set, and Adley wobbled to her feet, disoriented.

I led the way, since I had no excuse to walk with her, and she was dragging at the back of the group. It wasn’t until I entered the soundstage that I realized the lack of herd behind me. Madeline appeared a few minutes later, looking oddly lonesome with only her eccentric acting coach at her side.

“Lose a few, ankle biter?” I inquired casually.

Madeline looked around like she was surprised I’d noticed…Or maybe it was that she hadn’t even noticed. She was just self-obsessed enough to make the oversight a possibility.

“Adley wasn’t paying attention and Copyright 2016 - 2024