Someone I Used to Know - By Blakney Francis Page 0,20

in town, and they offered free tickets to anyone in the group home who wanted to go…I was like the only boy who went, but I used to do anything just to get out and do something. The girl – the ballerina – she was beautiful, even from all the way in the balcony, and she wore these red shoes –.”

“The Red Shoes. That’s the name of the Ballet.” My face lit up at the recognition of one of my favorite performances.

My excitement mirrored back to me on his face.

“You know it? Can you dance it?”

I looked down doubtfully at my sky high crimson Jimmy Choos, and suddenly made the connection between his story and how similar I probably looked to that professional dancer he’d seen, in my own red shoes. My smile couldn’t have been any broader when I looked back up at him.

“Well let’s see it, Red Shoes,” he encouraged, registering my understanding.

So with an audience of one, and four inch heels expensive enough to buy a used car, I danced the best rendition I could of The Red Shoes. The four glasses of Champagne I had earlier weren’t helping, but after many giggling stumbles and sloppy pirouettes, I completed the entire routine with a bow.

It was the loneliest standing ovation I’d ever received, as Cam stood alone on my parent’s roof, clapping and catcalling. He didn’t care what the neighbors thought, or about waking up my parents. This boy who talked about living in his foster home and doing anything to escape it, was so alive – so carefree.

For a long time I’d thought that was the moment I’d fallen in love with Cam. Later, I realized that I hadn’t known a thing about love at all, not the real kind at least. The kind that takes root in your very being and consumes everything you think you are.

I couldn’t explain all that to Madeline though. Chances were, she’d already read that story in the book, if it had even made the final cut.

“You’re call time was ten minutes ago. You both better get a move on before Georgia comes to find you.” Madeline’s punk hairstylist reminded them, breaking the restful ambiance of the room.

Madeline was once again joined by Fran and Alfred as we walked to set, and I followed slowly behind them.

I’d never realized that by locking my past behind the wall I’d built to protect myself, I’d also blocked out all the good things too. Like how Cam would ask me to dance for him long after I’d had to quit lessons, and he’d watch the same boring old routines over and over again, just because he knew it made me happy. He was the best at distracting me too. Whenever things got bad, I could always count on him to keep a running commentary on just about anything, as long as it kept my mind off the world crashing down around us.

Madeline and Declan took their places on set, and it was hard to keep myself numbed from the experience like I’d been doing. My equilibrium felt thrown off, and suddenly all of the feelings that I’d thought were resolved with Cam seemed like a puzzle that had just been dumped over, scattering pieces in every direction.

“They look good at least,” Cam whispered in my ear, coming to stand beside me as hair and make-up placed the final touches on the actors.

All I could do was nod. Why did this have to happen? Other than the lingering, awkward silences and completely repressed feelings, we had been doing just fine! Now all I could think about were all the reasons I’d fallen in love with him in the first place.


The set was constructed into what looked like an all-American living room. I supposed it was supposed to be the one in my parent’s house, though it didn’t look a think like it.

It was a long scene, one that involved many different camera angles and lighting changes. It seemed like forever before they even got to any dialogue.

“So, high school, huh?”Declan as Cam said, instantly smoothing away any inflection of his usual accent. It amazed me how good he was at that.

“You’re not one of those I’m-three-years-removed-therefore-so-above-everything types, are you?” I had to give Madeline credit for the attitude, but the little hip thing she was doing was totally off. I never stood like that!

“Unfortunately, I thought I was so above it, even when I was experiencing it.” Declan’s grin didn’t match Cam’s. Declan’s lips Copyright 2016 - 2024