Some Like it Hot - J. D. Light Page 0,4

man on the planet to actually have a conversation with."

"I don't mean that he is unpleasant or unkind. He's definitely not. The Lord knows, the man has supplied me with enough sugar to build a gingerbread house that would cause a cannibal to orgasm." Frowning, I shook my head. "You know what I mean. The kids in the woods with the witch. They eat her house and she tries to eat them? Someone knows what the hell I'm talking about." I waved my hand in the air toward my camera. "I mean that I, as in me, this guy right here, has the hardest time talking to the man. He's just so big and sexy… Did I tell you about––"

I cut off at the large bang coming from the hallway outside the door to my apartment, and I whipped my head around at the sound of Grant's deep voice, probably cussing the interior decorator of our building right into a coma.

"Hold on," I said slowly, rising from where I'd been kneeling on the floor in front of my coffee table, to get up and walk over the peephole on my door, peering through as more banging started up.

Was he out there fucking one of those gorgeous omegas in the hallway? Up against the wall, right outside my apartment? I didn't really have the right to be a little pissy about the idea, but there I was, glaring through the peephole all offended like.

I couldn't really see him through the thing, since he seemed to be almost completely against the wall next to my door, but I could see the dark jeans he'd been wearing earlier moving around and… Wait! Was he shirtless?

Like a crazy person, I fumbled with the handle on my door, jerking it open fast enough to scare myself a little. It definitely surprised Grant, who jerked to a standing position, where he'd been putting the shelf to rights that had been meticulously decorated by someone who seemed to dearly love tiny trinkets. The result was not pretty. Not only was the shelf definitely leaning slightly, but the tiny little wooden figurines that had been positioned perfectly symmetrical on the shelves, were now reminding me of that time I thought I wanted to help take care of kids, and work at a daycare center.

I no longer wanted to help take care of kids, and frankly, I didn't really want to be reminded of my past mistakes either.

Good thing there was a gorgeous, shirtless alpha standing around to take my mind off of the fact that he'd just sat one of the little frog figurines on its back, and it had gotten to rocking back and forth in a way that would have made my eye twitch, if it weren't for… Right, I already covered the part about him not wearing a shirt, but shit, it probably needed to be addressed again.

The man was a fucking work of art. Bronzed muscle and dark hair scattered along his torso, dipping below those jeans that were tight in the ass and thighs, but slightly gappy around the hips and cupping his package perfectly.

He also had his hair down, and someone had not only trimmed up his beard considerably, but it was actually groomed down on his cheeks, so I could make out the stunning lines of his face. I groaned, taking a deep breath.

Seriously, did he really need to be any more attractive?

"What the hell?" he growled, when one of the little figurines toppled off the shelf and landed on the top of his bare foot.

"Are you okay?" I asked as he bent to retrieve the thing, glaring at it before he put in a different spot. It still tried to roll off, since it was a little on the rounded side, and the shelf itself was a leaner now, but he managed to catch it with another knickknack with a flat bottom, blocking its destructive path.

Was I okay? Was I even breathing? His ass was amazing, and his pants had slid down slightly over the bubble of delicious muscle.

"No," he said, before snapping his head in the direction of his door, and lowering his voice. "They're trying to skin me."

I frowned, glancing toward his door just as someone yelled for him, wondering what the hell he was talking about, but the moment Grant started to panic, marching in place before looking like he was going to make a run for the stairs, I grabbed his wrist and jerked him through Copyright 2016 - 2024