The Snow Prince - Raleigh Ruebins Page 0,81

in my hand within seconds.

“Hello, my love,” Henry said from behind me as I walked toward a booth displaying various cheeses and pigs in a blanket.

“There you are,” I said. He put his arm around my waist and I turned to kiss him.

“Was she okay?” Henry asked. “You didn’t just get yelled at, did you? Threatened? She gonna conjure some sort of blizzard to ruin our reception?”

I swallowed. “She was… my mother, still. But she actually was okay,” I said. “She told me congratulations. And she hugged me.”

“Whoa,” Henry said.

“I know. She said that you were a wonderful man.”

“I guess we’ve slipped into some different dimension,” he said.

“Well, I love this dimension,” I said. “And I never want to leave.”

He grinned, his dimples appearing.

I got to marry this man. And I was going to get to live with him, for the rest of my life. Waking up next to him. Seeing those same dimples whenever I could.

“This dimension has really fucking delicious pigs in a blanket, too,” he said, gesturing to the food on the table near us. “Have you tried one yet?”

“I need to try about five of them, right now,” I said. “I’m starving.”

“Okay. But save room for the ridiculously good mini blueberry pies on the other side of the park.”

“I’m drooling.”

“I’m telling you, the food is the best thing about royal life.”

“The red front door looks incredible, by the way,” I told Henry as both of us looked across the street at his cottage. Our cottage.

“I like it, too,” he said. “After we re-shingle the roof, I think it’ll be just about done.”

Henry and I had decided to keep the cottage in Berrydale, and slowly over the last year, we had repaired and renovated various bits and pieces of it. The cottage would be our home away from home, or more accurately, the home we’d stay in when we wanted some quiet.

“I could picture having kids playing in the backyard, now,” I said softly, reaching out to grab his hand. We’d both talked about wanting kids in the near future, but this was the first time I’d mentioned it seriously.

“I can picture it, too,” he said.

“You think kids would enjoy spending part-time at the castle and part-time in our cottage?”

He turned, smoothing my hair with his palm. “I think that would be perfect. I only have one rule for when we do have kids.”

My heart fluttered in my chest. “And what’s that?”

“You cannot take them driving in the Ferrari.”

I puffed out a laugh. “Not even once they’re teenagers?”

“No,” he said, his eyes lighting up. “They can ride around in my truck, or in your Audi, or in a nice, safe Volvo we buy with the safest car seats known to man. But no crazy Ferrari rides. You drive like a madman in that thing.”

I leaned in, kissing him. “You’re right. Okay. And my only stipulation is that we never, ever tell them who to marry. Or what to wear. Or where to travel. Or—”

“True. Very true,” Henry said. “Although if they’re trying to marry a member of royalty from another kingdom, we have to warn them off of that.”

“Of course,” I joked. “No one would ever want to marry royalty.”

He wrapped an arm around my waist, and the party blossomed further. There was a chance of snow, but we had plenty of canopies, and half the people crowded underneath them while the others reveled and danced, probably trying to bring in one of the first snows of the season. People of Frostmonte loved the snow. I did too, these days.

Henry brushed a lock of hair behind my ear and leaned down, kissing the side of my neck. “I get to live my life beside you,” he said. “How the hell did I get so lucky?”

“Y’know, I was just wondering the same thing.”

He kissed me. I realized that we were just a few feet away from the place where he’d kissed me for the first time.

It had felt amazing then. But it felt about a billion times better now.

I didn’t have any secrets anymore.

I wanted everyone in the world to know that Prince Sebastian Ambrose fucking loved his husband. And that I would for the rest of my life.

Other Books in the Series

Midnight Ash by Ana Ashley

(A Cinderella Retelling)

Snow Twink by Sue Brown

(A Snow White Retelling)

The Little Matchboy by Jackie North

(A Little Match Girl Retelling)

Hair & Heart by Rhys Everly

(A Rapunzel Retelling)

Sea Kissed by Spencer Spears

(A Little Mermaid Retelling)

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More snow-filled books from Raleigh Ruebins:

A Boyfriend for Christmas (“I hired him to help me get a boyfriend by Christmas, but time was running out. Then he said he’d fake it for me.”)

Your Wish (“Chances of a guy like him wanting a nerd like me? Zero point zero zero six percent. Approximately.”)

My Winter Family (“He’s a family man with a baby. I’m a 32-year-old player. Why the hell does he want me?”)

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