Snow Melts in Spring - By Deborah Vogts Page 0,67

shimmering blue dress and diamond solitaire necklace. “Charlie buy that for you?”

She clutched the pendant and smiled. “He did, and I have you to thank that I have a chance to dress up and show it off.”

Charlie reached across the table for a bottle of sparkling cider and poured some in their glasses. “Yeah, I don’t wear this penguin suit for just anybody,” he said. “Not even my darling wife.”

“Can’t tell me that. I know better.” Gil focused on the blinking lights above the bar in the center of the room, trying to ward off the tightness in his throat. Few couples drew his admiration like Charlie and Linda. Now he understood how fortunate they were to share such an intense love within their marriage.

Not everyone had that opportunity.

As these thoughts filtered through his head, a large television screen flashed to life, commemorating Gil’s time on the football field. He watched as a Dallas linebacker plowed him to the ground early in his career.

“Ouch.” Gil cringed from embarrassment as those in the room tittered with amusement. One of the linebackers razzed him from the bar. “That’s the way to take one for the team, hey Gil?”

Gil raised his drink to his teammate and grinned.

His coach then stood in the center of the room and tapped his champaign glass. “If I can have everyone’s attention, I’d like to propose a toast.”

The room came to hush.

“I’ve had the privilege of having Gil McCray on my team for a good long while. We all know that in this sport, superstars come and go, but Gil’s managed to stretch out his career for fifteen years — no easy accomplishment in this day of instant fame and instant replay.” He chuckled, as did many in the crowd.

“Our team didn’t make it to the Super Bowl this year,” he went on. “but as many of you know, it’s not how many games you win, it’s how you play the game — and even more important, how you live your life when the game’s over. We’re all going to miss you, Gil — me probably the most. So, here’s to one of the finest quarterbacks I’ve ever coached.” He lifted his glass to Gil in a toast.

“May your retirement be rewarding and your future a blessing to you and to those you love. And may you never forget how quickly time passes.” Coach’s eyes narrowed in on him, and Gil understood well the implied message.

“Here, here,” the people around him chanted and sipped their drinks.

Gil stood from the table and strode over to his old friend. He squeezed Coach’s shoulder with affection. “Thanks for the kind words. I only hope the years will be as good to me as they’ve been to you,” Gil said. Then from the corner of his eyes, he saw her.

Easing through the crowd in a black, satin lace dress that clung to her curves and hung slightly off her shoulders was the doc — his Doc.

For a second he doubted his vision, but as she neared, there was no mistaking her identity. Mattie’s long, red curls draped loosely about her face and drew his attention to the string of pearls that graced her neck.

He’d never seen her look so beautiful.

“Will you excuse me please,” he told his coach, unable to take his eyes off Mattie. He reached her in seconds.

“You came.” He caught her hands and stared into her eyes, the sweet scent of roses captivating him. “What changed your mind?”

Mattie offered a sheepish grin. “Clara helped me see the error of my ways.”

Gil wondered at her meaning. “But . . . when . . . how did you get here?”

Charlie came up beside them and introduced himself. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Dr. Evans. Was the limo ride satisfactory?”

Gil’s gaze darted to his friend, who stood there with a definite smirk. “You knew about this?”

Charlie winked at Mattie. “Dr. Evans phoned me last night after she’d made her plane reservations and told me everything. After that, I was happy to arrange her accommodations.”

“How did you know to call Charlie?”

“You left your invitation with your dad. It listed Charlie’s number.” Mattie’s eyes shone with satisfaction.

Gil gripped Charlie’s hand, overcome with gratitude. “Thanks for looking after her.”

“You’d do the same for me.”

Gil returned his attention to Mattie. Despite their argument, and her abhorrence for the city, she’d traveled all this way for him.

So beautiful.

His chest swelled with emotion. Oh yes, this woman was worth the risk involved. He knew that now. He’d Copyright 2016 - 2024