Smokescreen - Iris Johansen Page 0,91

been a constant surprise to Joe. And this door was opening silently with no alarm. “Okay, you’re awe-inspiring. Meet me at Sebak’s quarters. I’ll go take out the guard in the library.”

“I’ll do it,” Gideon said as he moved down the hall. “The guard will be easy. I’ll let you handle Sebak. You want him alive, and my impression is that he’s very edgy. I bet he has a gun in his bedside table.”

He probably knew Sebak did, Joe thought as he turned in the opposite direction and made his way through the darkness toward Sebak’s suite.

Sebak’s door was locked. Definitely edgy.

It took Joe two minutes to silently pick the lock. Then he was inside.

More darkness.

But Joe’s eyes were accustomed to it now, and he could make out a bed across the large room.

Joe moved silently toward it.


The bedcovers were suddenly thrown aside, and the man who had done it was lunging toward the bedside table.

Joe was across the room in seconds, and his hand came down in a karate chop on Sebak’s wrist as he fumbled to get the drawer open.

Sebak cursed in pain as he turned and launched himself upward at Joe. “Son of a bitch. What are you doing? One scream, and I’ll have guards all over the place.” He struck out blindly and hit Joe in the chin. “They’ll kill you.”


Joe’s hand cut down on Sebak’s neck in a karate chop and put him out.

He went limp.

Three or four minutes maximum before he’d regain consciousness, Joe thought. Get ready.

He flicked on the bedside light, checked to make sure the man was indeed Sebak, and removed the .38 revolver from the drawer of the bedside table. Then he took out his handcuffs and snapped them on Sebak’s wrists.

“No trouble at all?” Gideon was at the doorway, his gaze on Sebak. “I admit I’m disappointed. I wasn’t aiming for serious, but a few minor problems would have made me feel better about having to be so wary around you. I don’t like not feeling totally in control of the situation.”

“Then you shouldn’t have told me that he’d go for that gun.” Joe took a small roll of duct tape out of his jacket pocket. “Did you take down the guard?”

Gideon nodded as he watched him tape Sebak’s mouth. “Complete with the duct tape. I did a neater job than you.” He closed the door and walked toward him. “I think he’s coming around. Maybe you’d better be the first one he sees. You’re more threatening. I concentrated on being intelligent and charming when I was trying to lure him to our side. That’s not the impression we need right now.” He stepped out of Sebak’s field of vision. “So be intimidating, Quinn.”

“I will,” Joe said grimly as he moved forward and jerked Sebak’s head back. Sebak’s eyes flew open, and he gazed up at Joe in alarm. He tried desperately to open his lips and speak.

“I’ll let you talk soon,” Joe said harshly, “when I’m sure you understand what will happen to you if you scream or cause me any trouble. Nod if you understand.”

Sebak nodded but then tried to lift his arms and strike out. When he saw the handcuffs, he began to struggle frantically.

“Helpless,” Joe said. “I can do anything I wish to you, and you won’t be able to stop me. And you might be able to get out of this alive if you don’t make me angry.” His voice lowered. “But it’s going to be very easy to make me angry. I need information, and you’ve been playing games with my friend. Do you know there’s a pressure point I can press here on your neck that can make you very sorry that you did that?” He reached down, and his thumb and forefinger found the exact place. “Ah, there it is.”

Sebak opened his lips, trying to scream as pain jagged through him.

“But I never play games, Sebak. I just make certain the pain keeps coming and coming until I get what I want. I want this information very much because without it, someone I care about is going to suffer.” He pressed the cord again and watched Sebak’s face as it twisted in agony. “I won’t permit that to happen. I’ll do anything I have to do to keep it from happening. But I don’t care if you suffer at all. I believe you understand that now, don’t you?”

Sebak nodded frantically.

“Good. Then you won’t try to escape, and you’ll cooperate with everything I Copyright 2016 - 2024