Smokescreen - Iris Johansen Page 0,74

waiting up for him. It will be a few hours yet before he gets here.”

“I know that, Jill.” She found her lips curving with amusement. “It’s not as if I’m pining away and burning a candle to light his way.”

“I wasn’t certain,” Jill said quietly. “You love him. I wasn’t sure how that worked. I’ve heard it’s different for different people.”

Eve’s brows lifted. “You’ve heard?”

She shrugged. “I had a major crush on a guy in college, but that went away fairly soon. And, though I’m usually too busy, I do love sex. But I’ve been around long enough to realize that it’s more than that to some people. It would be for you.”

“Yes, it is,” Eve said. “But Joe and I have been together long enough that we don’t need burning beacons to find each other in the darkness. We know who we are and where we are, and there’s no question that we would ever lose each other. Burning beacons are fine, but they tend to be a little wistful.” She chuckled. “We just go straight for the heart of the flames.”

“Which is very difficult to research,” Jill said. “Sorry that I misunderstood. But you have to admit I’ve been very good about keeping out of your way. You didn’t even know I was here all night.”

Eve couldn’t deny it. Once Jill had set up her cot on the far side of the room and settled down, she had been totally silent. “The reality might have been better.”

“Maybe. But you wouldn’t have had anyone to keep you company in warding off the monster.” She smiled. “I know about monsters, too, Eve. Company can be a help.” She turned away. “Could I get you a cup of coffee?”

Yes, Jill knew about monsters, Eve thought. They were unlike in so many ways, but in that one way, they were sisters. Sisters…That thought had come out of nowhere. They had both grown up fending for themselves and fighting for survival. It would have been nice to have someone like Jill there to share that struggle. She felt a sudden rush of warmth. “Coffee? No thanks. I’ve had too much caffeine tonight as it is.” She leaned back on her stool. “For that matter, I’ve had more coffee since I met you than I’ve had in the last six months. I seem to need it to survive. Does that tell you anything?”

“Sorry. But you can’t blame me entirely. You’re a workaholic, and you do like your coffee. Can I get you a water?” She was going over to the ice chest. “If you’re going back to work, I’ll stay with you in case you need a reminder that you promised you’d nap. Is it okay if I drag up one of those chairs I got Hajif to bring up and sit and watch you? I promise I’ll be quiet and won’t ask questions.” She took out two bottles of water from the chest and brought them back to the worktable. “Though it will be torture.” She wrinkled her nose. “You know how curious I am.”

Eve shrugged as she took the bottle of water. “I don’t mind questions while I’m doing the basic measuring. It’s almost automatic since I’ve done it so many times. And it’s so important that I recheck it several times anyway. It’s when I get into the layers that I have to concentrate.”

“Good.” Jill was dragging a chair over to the worktable. “I only had time for an overview of your work process while I was researching you, and I’ve been frustrated ever since. When I’m interested, I have to know everything.” She plopped down on the chair. “Now tell me where we’re going with this.”

Eve laughed. “We? I wish it could be a joint operation. I could use a little help on this one.” She paused. “Okay, I’ll answer your questions, but then at some point you have to answer mine. You’re not the only one who is curious. All I got was a thumbnail sketch about Jill Cassidy.” She added mockingly, “And I have to know everything.”

Jill was silent, wary. “That’s not…easy.”

“Take it or leave it.”

“I’ll take it. You have a right. But maybe not tonight.” She smiled with an effort. “Now tell me why you have to concentrate on ‘layers.’”

“Because it tells me what I need to know.” She started to measure. “There are more than twenty points of the skull for which there are known tissue depths. Facial-tissue depth has been found to be fairly consistent Copyright 2016 - 2024