Smokescreen - Iris Johansen Page 0,72

do. It will always be that way. And prepare to see me involved up to my neck in this fiasco. I’ll make a few preparations, call Jane and Michael, then I’ll be leaving.”

“Michael,” Eve repeated. “Don’t say anything to him that would worry—”

“He’s already ahead of you. He called me yesterday and wanted us to take a trip to Maldara. I stalled him, but he won’t be surprised that I’m leaving. It was almost a direct order that I go and take care of you.”


“Exactly. That’s why I have to call Jane and make sure she’ll see that he won’t try to find a way to join me.”

“Heaven forbid.”

“And why I have to wrap this up as quickly as possible. No doubts, no strings. Finished. I’ll call you when I know when I’ll arrive in Jokan. Bye, Eve.” He cut the connection.


Eve had realized that he might be a problem since they’d always had that special sensitivity to each other. But recently he had also been reaching out to Joe in a similar manner. She should have been just as worried about that as Joe’s reaction. The mere idea of Michael’s being here in Maldara frightened her. Her gaze flew back to the skull on the dais in front of her.

He liked to kill children.

She didn’t want Michael anywhere near this place where so many children had died. Even if there proved to be no physical danger, he might sense that overpowering aura of death.

“How did it go with Quinn?” Novak had come in and was standing behind her. “As expected?”

She nodded. “He’ll be on his way soon. He’s not happy with any of us. He says this has to be wrapped up quickly. No doubts. No strings. Finished. That’s the way Joe always works his cases.” She stared into the skull’s gaping, empty eyes. Evil. Death. Terror. Had those eyes looked out with pleasure at the bloody savagery he had created? That’s what Jill had said, that’s what Eve had felt, when she had stared into the darkness of that schoolroom. “Joe’s right, Novak,” she whispered. “No matter what I find, I can’t stop until it’s finished.”




Two hours later, Joe left Jane’s apartment and headed for the taxi stand on the corner of the block.

“Could I give you a lift, Quinn?”

Joe tensed, then he whirled to see a dark-haired man standing beside the door of the apartment building. Joe’s gaze raked his features with one quick glance. “You’re Sam Gideon. What the hell are you doing here?”

“Easy.” Gideon put up his hands. “Just offering you a lift as I said. I expected you to be a bit edgy but not on the attack. And how did you know who I was, anyway?”

“Did you think I wouldn’t find out every detail about everyone Eve was connected with at Robaku?” he asked coldly. “I could tell that she was beginning to trust you. That made you dangerous. And now she tells me that you were responsible for getting her poisoned. That might make you dead.”

“I don’t blame you,” Gideon said. “I screwed up. I was supposed to take care of her, and I didn’t do it. I thought she was safe.” He made a face. “I really don’t want you to attack and make me defend myself. I’m pretty good these days, but you were a SEAL and can probably cause me intense bodily pain or death. Besides, I think Eve has forgiven me and might get pissed off if I end up seriously damaged. Wouldn’t it be better to just put up with me and let me help you to get to her as soon as possible?”

“I’d have to think about it,” Joe said. “The other option is much more tempting.”

“I was afraid of that.” Gideon sighed. “Novak warned me that you’d probably be major pissed off. But he also said you were smart and that might make a difference. How long is it going to take for you to think about it before I prepare for personal Armageddon?”

“I repeat, what are you doing here? The last thing I heard from Eve was that you were in Maldara.” He was quickly processing the information he’d acquired about Sam Gideon. “You’re the rich guy who was banging Zahra Kiyani. Not a good recommendation. I don’t like what I hear about her.” He added, “But you also pilot a Gulf Stream, and I assume the lift you offered wasn’t just to the airport. How quickly can you get me to Maldara?”

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