Smokescreen - Iris Johansen Page 0,48

thought with exasperation. It wasn’t as if she were tottering on the edge of death. She might as well have had Joe here. No, Joe would not have been that obvious. He would have been subtle and warm and…Joe.

Damn she missed him.

She looked at the clock. Eight-ten. No, it wasn’t time to call him yet. She usually waited until she was sure he wasn’t at an evening session at the Yard. That was about ten or eleven Maldara time.

And she needed that coffee if she was going to keep alert until it was time for her to make that call. She got to her feet and went to the cabinet where the coffee was brewing.

She’d just poured herself a coffee when Gideon came back into the museum.

“Caught you,” he said. “What didn’t you understand about the word rest?”

She was frowning. “Where are Hajif and Leta?”

“They weren’t quite ready for him. They said they’d see you in the morning.” He came to the coffeemaker and poured himself a cup of coffee. “So sit down. You don’t have to be hostess to me. We’re way beyond that, aren’t we?”

“Yes.” She was still staring at Amari. “I don’t understand. They were so eager and Leta said only a few hours…” She shifted her gaze back to Gideon. “Unless you gave them the impression they wouldn’t be welcome?”

He grimaced. “I wouldn’t do that when I know you’d have my head. I was charming and caring, I just explained that the reason we didn’t show up earlier was that you’d been very ill and had to go to the hospital.” He held up his hands. “All very truthful.”

“And you knew Hajif and his family probably wouldn’t go to a hospital unless they were dying.”

“It did occur to me that might be the effect.”

“But you knew I wanted them to come.”

He nodded. “People make their own decisions, Eve. I just gave them the facts.”

And he was so clever that he knew just how to shade them. “I could go down to the village and bring them back with me,” she said coolly. “I don’t appreciate manipulation, Gideon.”

“I know. Even if I didn’t realize it, Jill told me. She was afraid that it might be the one thing that would keep you from coming here.” He said quietly, “But I told you that if you left the hospital and came back to Robaku, I’d take care of you and you wouldn’t suffer for it. I was acting instinctively with Hajif to keep that promise.”

“Because you want me to rest?”

“Partly.” He smiled. “I imagine it’s difficult for the people around you to take care of you without a little manipulation and sleight of hand. Admit it. Doesn’t your family have to resort to it on occasion? What about your husband?”

“Joe and I are honest with each other. Besides, that’s different.”

“Which means that you try to be honest with each other.”

“Which means that you don’t have the same rights and privileges.”

“Unfortunately.” He chuckled as her eyes widened. “I told you I liked intense women.” He shook his head. “I’ll back down now. You left yourself open, and I couldn’t resist. I know you’re as faithful as Penelope was to Odysseus.”

He was impossible. “Now you’re delving into The Odyssey? First, it was that wild tale about Kiyani, and now you’re into mythology?”

“Well, I did minor in English Lit when I was at Oxford. And there was a two-headed female monster in The Odyssey. When you think about it, there might be some connection with Zahra Kiyani.” His smile faded and he added soberly, “But I’m really still trying to distract you as I’ve been attempting to do since we left the hospital. That’s not being fair. You’ve had a rough day, and some of it was my fault. You like honesty, and I should give it to you.”

Eve frowned. “Distract me?” She didn’t understand any of this, and it was beginning to frustrate her. “Distract me from what?”

“Any number of things.” His lips twisted. “That’s been my main duty since Jill called me into this with you. Protect and distract. I’m very good at both though you’d never know it by today. But Jill says she can’t take any more, so evidently there’s a change coming. I might as well begin again now. Yes, I did want you to rest, but only because you’re going to have enough with which to contend when Jill gets here. That should be in about ten minutes. You’re going to get all the honesty Copyright 2016 - 2024