Smokescreen - Iris Johansen Page 0,44

killed him. So you can see why I believe that one must protect oneself in any way possible. When death comes near, you should take it as a sign to stop and consider all the consequences.”

There was that hint of a threat again. “I don’t believe in signs and portents,” Eve said. “And I do believe in doing what I think is right in spite of consequences.”

“Too bad.” Zahra shrugged as she rose to her feet. “I do hope you’ll change your mind. Let me know, and I’ll send someone to make accommodations for you.” She snapped her fingers at the servant girl. “Dalai!”

The young woman jumped forward and snatched up the gold shawl on the chair. Her subservience annoyed Eve. In that moment, she could imagine Zahra indulging herself in any cruel arrogance she chose with those she considered beneath her. She found she wanted to strike out. “Thank you for coming.” She paused. “Oh dear, I just had a thought. How do you know that all those stories about your so-called pure lineage weren’t a fairy tale? You said yourself that it was a long time ago that your family came to Maldara.” She smiled gently. “Who knows? Maybe the Botzans were really your first cousins.”

Zahra stopped and whirled to face her. “You insult me,” she hissed. “It was no fairy tale. Look at me.” Her eyes were blazing. “I am everything she was and more.” Her voice was shaking with anger. “She made mistakes I will never make. And someday, I will have the world she lost to her own stupidity.”

She turned on her heel and left the room.

What was that all about? Eve wondered. She had clearly opened up a nasty can of worms when she had taken that potshot at Zahra’s august family tree. And who the hell was she?

Later. Gideon should be arriving at any moment, and she needed these few moments to pull herself together. At least she had gotten rid of Zahra before she had to confront Gideon. She was in no mood to referee the explosiveness she sensed between them. She glanced at the clock on the night table. It was almost five in the evening. It seemed like days had passed since she’d talked to Joe early this morning. She’d promised him she’d call him back tonight and what was she going to say to him? He’d be worried and immediately on the attack.

Think about it on the way back to Robaku.

Too many questions. Too many decisions.

And where the hell is Gideon?

* * *

“That bitch!” Zahra’s lips were tight with rage as the chauffeur opened the door of her limousine outside the hospital. “How dare she? Did you hear her, Dalai?”

Dalai knew that Zahra didn’t want an answer, only an audience, but she nodded as she slipped into the backseat beside her. One could never tell what would offend Zahra and cause her to take that rage out on the nearest target. Her anger with Eve Duncan was so intense that Dalai had to be extremely careful.

“She insulted me.” Zahra leaned back in the seat, fuming. “And she doesn’t even realize how lucky she is to be alive. Stupid. Incredibly stupid.”

Agree. Then try to distract her. “Yes, madam,” Dalai said. “And very rude. She doesn’t have any idea how wrong she is. She’s just a peasant, and you’re a queen. You should pay no attention to her.”

“Are you telling me what to do?” Zahra asked sharply. “You were stupid, too, today. You weren’t quick enough when I told you to fetch that shawl.”

The distraction hadn’t worked. It had only served to transfer the anger from Eve Duncan to Dalai. She had been expecting it. Eve Duncan could not be touched right now. But Dalai was always available as an outlet. Be humble. Show Zahra fear. She liked the fear. “I know, madam. Forgive me.”

“Why should I?” Zahra’s smile was malicious. “You should be punished. You’re obviously getting lazy. I’ll think about it on the way back to the palace.”

So that Dalai would have time to anticipate what was to come, she thought wearily. It was all part of the fear Zahra liked to make her feel. Dalai would almost certainly be beaten if she didn’t think of some other way to distract Zahra once she got back to the palace. But it would be easier to distract her there, where Zahra had decisions to make and Dalai could make herself useful in helping her. If she was beaten, it would Copyright 2016 - 2024