Smokescreen - Iris Johansen Page 0,35

my beautiful museum. It’s in shambles. I’ll tolerate it for now because I don’t wish to be unfair. However, if I find that your work isn’t what it should be, I’ll have to ask you to leave. I’ll be back next week to see if that charity that sent you has made a mistake.” She moved toward the door. “I’ll see you then, Ms. Duncan.”

Then she was gone. A few minutes later, Eve heard the low roar of the cars as they departed Robaku.

Gideon came back into the museum a moment later. “That was very short. She didn’t waste much time on you.”

“No, I didn’t waste much time on her,” she corrected. “She only came to threaten and find out who had sent me here. I said enough to satisfy her so that she’d get out and let me work.”

“Satisfy?” he repeated. “She looked almost triumphant when she glanced at me when she left.”

“That’s because I told her you thought she was magnificent. She probably thinks that if she made the effort, she could have you worshipping at her feet again.”

He flinched. “That was wicked of you, Eve. When she has time to think it over, she’ll realize I must have been lying to you.” He tilted his head. “But you must have been doing a little prevaricating yourself if you let her believe it.”

“I didn’t lie. She asked what you’d told me about her, and I told her the truth. I just didn’t elaborate.”

“And were you equally truthful when she asked you about Jill?”

“I might have been a little less open. She had a perfectly good target in you, and bringing in Jill would have confused things and wasted more time.”

“And you wouldn’t have wanted that to happen,” he said softly. “It was all for the benefit of Amari and friends.”

She was silent. “I didn’t like her.” She was remembering that instant when Zahra had mentioned her son. She was still feeling that chill. “I’ve met women before who are antagonistic toward other women. I’ve never understood it. She was trying to be subtle, but underneath, she was practically bristling.”

“She believes she has no need for them, and they might prove competitive. Not that she’d admit the latter.” He smiled. “After all, she is magnificent.”

Eve smiled back at him. “You left out one descriptive noun. Magnificently arrogant.” She waved her hand. “Now get out of here and let me work. If I’m lucky, I’ll get Amari finished tonight or early morning and reward myself by letting you take me to that hotel so I can shower.”

“And sleep in a real bed?”

“That’s too much luxury. The cot is fine. I’m usually so tired I have no trouble sleeping. Out, Gideon.”

“I’m going.” He hesitated at the door. “But I should tell you that Zahra wanted to leave one of her soldiers on guard here. I’m sure she’d say it was for your protection, but I still sent him on his way.”

“Does she think that I’m going to steal one of these skulls?”

“No, I’m sure she’s checked you out thoroughly. She just likes to be in control, and you didn’t fall into line. It probably wouldn’t have done any harm to let the guard stay as long as I knew he was around. I just didn’t want you to stumble over him if you went to get a breath of air.” He grimaced. “As if you would bother.” He lifted his hand in a wave. “I’ll be back around midnight to see Amari in all his glory.”

“No glory.” Eve was already sitting back down on her stool. “Just a little boy spruced up and ready to go home to see his grandparents…”

Then she closed everything out as she settled down to spend the next hours working on completing and checking the measuring. It was undeniably the most important if least satisfying part of the sculpting process. It was the precise building block of features and contours that made Amari who he was. But it was only the final stage of sculpting that revealed the details that gave him the personality and presence that brought him to life for Eve.

So do the hard, gritty work and make sure that she made no mistakes. Then she’d do the initial smoothing and make ready for that final step. She felt her fingers tingling at the thought.

Stop it. Not yet. This boy deserved care and certainty.

The measuring…

* * *

It had not gone as well as she’d hoped with Eve Duncan, Zahra thought impatiently as she gazed Copyright 2016 - 2024