Smokescreen - Iris Johansen Page 0,30

she said lightly. “It must have been the sedatives.”

“I could hardly forget it. I believe it defined your philosophy of life. I’m always on the lookout for clues to understand you.”

“You’re always on the lookout for clues, period. You take everything apart, then put it back together again.” She dropped down in her chair again. “What about Eve’s computer? She’ll be Skyping her family and telling them everything that’s going on. That means anyone who is hacking her will get a complete report via Joe Quinn.”

He nodded. “I can’t see that would be a problem right away. There’s no reason why anyone would believe Eve’s here for anything but the obvious. Besides, interfering would send up a red flag to Quinn. I’d rather not do that until the last minute. I’ve met him, and he’d be a son of a bitch to get rid of if he decided he had to step into the picture.” He frowned thoughtfully. “And I’ve monitored her telephone conversations to him, and I think we’ll let her take care of it. She’s as protective of him as he is of her. She doesn’t want him here either.”

She gazed at him in surprise. She had never seen Novak this wary of anyone. He was always cool, always totally in control, and the smartest man she’d ever met. Even sitting here in those ridiculous red overalls and tennis shoes, he didn’t appear anything but assured and able to conquer his particular world. She tried to smother the tingle of tension as she gazed at him. After their time together in Nairobi, she should have gotten over that edginess. But he’d always had that effect on her, a combination of wariness and fascination. The lean face, the intelligent, deep-set eyes that always seemed to see too much, the firm lips. There might be handsomer men than Jed Novak, but Jill had always found his super intelligence and quiet strength to be mesmerizing from the moment she had met him over a year ago. “I never actually got to meet Quinn. Have I missed something?” She smiled. “You’re being very cautious.”

“And so should you. Quinn respects her. He’ll stay out of her business as long as he believes she’s safe. The minute that changes, he’ll go into overdrive.”

“I would, too. That’s why she has to stay safe.” She tensed. “And when is that going to change, Novak? When do we get the skull?”

“Soon. I’m hoping not too soon. When I get word it’s a go, we’ll have to move fast.” He met her eyes. “Whether or not you think Eve is ready for it. You’ll have to go in and convince her.”

“I know that,” she said jerkily. “I’ll do what I have to do. It might even be a relief.” She got to her feet. “And now you should get me out of here. You’ve taken long enough to clean this plane. I need to get to the embassy, check in, and annoy the ambassador’s secretary to give me any story that he has available on a dull news day.”

Novak lifted a brow. “And make sure that no one makes the connection between Eve’s arrival and you?”

“No one should if you’ve done your job. You said you’d arrange it so no one would realize I’d left Maldara.”

“No one will. Your tail only caught glimpses of a look-alike as she moved through the streets or visited a friend or restaurant.”

She smiled with an effort. “And now Eve appears here courtesy of a notable charity while I’ve been here all the time and obviously had nothing to do with it.” She moistened her lips. “Did you, by any chance, manage to identify the man who’s been following me?”

“Not ‘by chance.’ You insult me.” His lips tightened. “We knew the day you showed up in Jokan a week after the attack. I had my own men on you, and he was spotted immediately. His name is Ken Bogani, and he’s one of Zahra Kiyani’s agents.” He paused. “But I don’t think he’s one of the men who attacked you. We checked DNA, and there was no match for the specimen under your fingernails or the trace evidence on your clothes.”

Not under her nails.

Think of the words, don’t let the ugly pictures bombard you.

Novak’s voice was cool and without expression, and she must be equally calm and composed. She’d already revealed too much to him when he had stayed with her while she was recovering in that hospital in Nairobi. She knew it Copyright 2016 - 2024