Smokescreen - Iris Johansen Page 0,28

Then I’ll need a level table put in the center of the room. I’ll show you how high it will have to be. And I’ll need a stool of some sort.”

“Right away.” Hajif turned and moved quickly out of the museum.

“Any orders for me?” Gideon was smiling faintly. “Am I to assume that you’re going to be delving into those boxes in the near future?”

“Yes,” she said curtly. “Jill is going to feel very satisfied, isn’t she? I don’t give a damn. Those neat little boxes crafted of the finest leather with all those pretty gold letters made me go ballistic. They look like fashion accessories. I use boxes myself for transport. But this is pure showmanship, no dignity, no feeling. Zahra Kiyani made them part of her personal scenario. I want those kids out of those boxes.”

“Obviously. You didn’t answer me. What can I do?”

“Get me a cot to set up in here. I’ll probably be spending most of my nights in this blasted museum.”

“That’s not necessary. And unless you’re into communal bathing, the hygiene arrangements will be awkward for you in the village. I’ve made reservations for you at the one decent hotel in Jokan. I can run you back and forth.”

“Keep the reservations. I’ll need to use the room to shower occasionally. Otherwise, I can wash up in the bathroom here.”

“How do you know there is one?”

“Of course there’s a bathroom. You said that Zahra used this place to receive the media.” She was looking around the room. “And I bet it has a lovely mirror for touching up her makeup.” She saw a door across the room and strode toward it. She opened the door and glanced inside. “Yes, a great mirror with her traditional gold frame. I think I’m beginning to know Zahra Kiyani.”

“Then heaven help you,” Gideon said softly.

“I won’t need divine intervention. I’ll just stay out of her way and rely on Hajif and his people. I’ll work hard and fast and get through this job as quickly as possible.”

“Twenty-seven children, Eve,” Gideon reminded her.

“I’ll do as many as I can in the next month. I’ll arrange for the others to be done by someone competent after I have to leave.” She gave a last appraising glance at the bathroom and started to close the door. “Make certain I have towels, shampoo, and soap. That’s all I need for the time being. Bring in my duffel from the car, will you? How many people in the village speak English?”

“Probably only a handful. But you have Hajif if you need a translator. He said he’d do anything as I recall.” He paused. “And I’ll stay within ten minutes’ distance from you in case of emergencies.”

“I’m not expecting any emergencies,” Eve said. “This is what I do. I’m in control here. I can handle anything that comes along.”

“I can see that.” Gideon’s gaze was on her flushed cheeks and glittering eyes. “And you can’t wait, can you? Well, just know that I’m available.” He turned toward the door. “I’ll go get your duffel and find you a cot somewhere. You’re really staying here tonight? Why don’t you let me take you out to dinner and start tomorrow?”

“Because tonight I’ll be going through all those skulls until I find one that fits Amari’s age and description. Then I’ll have to examine it and see if I can do what Hajif wants me to do.”

“So Amari is going to be first?”

“He has to be first. His grandparents want it so much that I couldn’t do anything else. After that, I’ll be able to try to be more selective.”

“Then I’ll tell Jill that you have the initial process going at full speed.” He looked back over his shoulder. “Anything else?”

“Bring in my computer and make sure I’ll have no problem with Internet while I’m here. That’s essential.”

“You’ll need it for your work?”

“Possibly for the final. But it’s principally because I planned on using it to Skype. I prefer it to my smartphone to contact family, and I won’t be stranded out here in the jungle and lose contact with my husband and son. That’s not acceptable.”

“Ah, yes, the protective husband in the background? Dedication and total devotion on both sides of the coin. You’re an interesting woman, Eve Duncan. I believe I’m going to enjoy you.”

“Interesting? You haven’t seen anything, Gideon. And I couldn’t care less if you enjoy me. Just get me what I tell you I need.”

He chuckled. “I’ll definitely get you what you need. It Copyright 2016 - 2024