Smokescreen - Iris Johansen Page 0,165

told you that mistakes have consequences?”

“It won’t happen again, madam.” Her voice was trembling. “Please don’t send me to him.”

“What you wish isn’t important. But you might be lucky. I’m not certain how things will work out tonight.”

“But you’re sending me to Robaku alone? You told him you aren’t going with me.”

“But I seldom tell the truth to Varak. That would be the height of foolishness. Eve Duncan still has Kiya’s Great Beloved Wife. I saw it on that television broadcast. Varak knows how valuable it is. He said he’d get it back for me as part of our deal.” Her lips twisted. “Oh, he’ll go after it, but he’ll also try to steal it from me. How could I trust a little rabbit like you to keep him from doing it? No, I’ll have to be there in case he tries to steal it after he rids me of Duncan. That statue is mine.” She met Dalai’s eyes in the vanity mirror. “And you’d better not make any mistakes tonight, Dalai,” she said coldly. “I won’t tolerate them.”

“I promise I won’t make any mistakes.” Dalai nodded at the clothes on the bed. “May I help you dress? Is that what you’re wearing?”

“Why else would I tell you to bring them?” She gazed at her image in the mirror and was abruptly dissatisfied. “I have to look spectacular tonight. Do you understand? I have to look like the queen I am. Whenever anyone looks at me, they have to be impressed. It’s going to be a special night.”

She could see that Dalai was staring at her, puzzled. But she wasn’t about to make explanations. She was the only one who counted, and everyone would realize that after this was all over. Whichever choice she made, she would make it a success. “Hurry. It’s almost eleven. Do my hair…” She added, “And I want to use the ruby comb in it tonight.”

Dalai’s gaze flew to her face.

Zahra caught the glance. “That always alarms you, doesn’t it? Why? You’ve never seen me actually use it in the way it should be used.”

“It doesn’t alarm me. Whatever you wish.” She was heading for the closet room again. “I’ll go get the comb out of its special container. I’ll be right back.”

* * *

Dalai had to steady her hands as she dialed Jill. She had to hurry. Zahra seldom followed her into the closet room for any reason, but this was a strange night. She kept her voice to almost a whisper when Jill answered. “It will be two or shortly before. They’re going after Kiya’s treasure.”

“It’s been taken care of,” Jill said. “Anything else?”

“Only to watch Eve Duncan. Zahra’s angry about the statue. She won’t stop until she gets it.” She cut the connection and thrust her phone in her pocket. Don’t stop. Keep moving. Nothing must look suspicious. Every motion, every word, must seem totally natural. She knelt at the mahogany jewelry box that held the special container and drew out the jeweled comb. So beautiful. But Zahra had never cared about the beauty. She had just wanted to play her deadly game when she had taught Dalai to make the poisonous liquid with which the prongs were usually coated.

She put the shimmering ruby comb on its tray and took a deep breath. Then she started for the closet door to go back into the bedroom.

Be natural. Don’t let her see anything.

She could do this.

But Zahra was right.

This was going to be a very special night.

* * *

“Two,” Jill said as she turned back to Eve and Joe. “And we might have gone overboard about luring Zahra with that statue. Dalai is worried about Eve.” She looked at Joe. “Can you persuade her to get out of here? If the statue is the bait for the trap, I could take her place here.”

“It’s not only the statue,” Joe said grimly. “The two of you set Eve up, and now they want her dead.” He turned to Eve. “Are you happy now?”

“No, but I will be if you stop growling and get out of here,” Eve said. “You’ve arranged all kind of surveillance around this museum, Joe. You said Varak will reconnoiter before he strikes and will know exactly where I am. But he won’t risk coming after me if he thinks it’s a trap. He’s got to feel as if he’s in charge.” She looked him in the eye. “Well, if I’m a target, let them come and try to take me. Copyright 2016 - 2024