Smokescreen - Iris Johansen Page 0,164

be able to justify the deaths. Duncan is too famous.”

“I thought that you’d agreed never to give me orders,” he said softly. “When this is over, you might need another lesson.”

Bastard. He couldn’t resist the threat even in a situation where he might be getting everything he wanted. Zahra instinctively raised her hand to her throat. “When this is over, I’m never going to see you again. You can take your share of the gold and go straight to hell.”

“So brave now that you’re back in that fine palace. Perhaps I’ll get a palace of my own now that you’re doing the smart thing and giving me what you promised.” His voice lowered. “But how do I know that your Kiya’s treasure is worth my time? Maybe you’ve been lying to me. You’ve never actually let me go down there to see it.”

And she wouldn’t this time if there was any other choice. “I told you that I’ll let you go down there tonight before you attack Robaku. You can check it out yourself.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way. It had better live up to expectations.”

“You said you were in a hurry. I’m trying to give you an update on what I’ve done to protect us. Do you want to hear it, or would you rather threaten me?”

“Both. But I’ll listen as long as it includes the release of that damn gold you’ve been promising me all this time.”

“I have no choice. I can’t be careful any longer. And I have to get rid of you before someone finds out that Duncan is telling the truth at that press conference.”

“How awkward. It would be a disaster for me, bitch.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll get you safely out of the country. I’ve arranged to have an army transport truck be driven to Robaku and parked a few miles down the highway. You can have your men drive the truck to pick up your share of the treasure after you’ve eliminated the problem at the village. And I want you out of Robaku and on your way to the airport within an hour.”

“But you claim there’s such a lot of gold,” he said mockingly. “And it would go faster if I didn’t have to divide it. Perhaps I’ll arrange to get a second truck.”

She stiffened. “Don’t even think about it. I have a private jet waiting at Jokan airport for you to get out of the country. If the pilot sees more than one truck driving up to be unloaded, then he has orders to take off and leave you to find your way through the jungle and out of Maldara on your own.”

Silence. “You wouldn’t do that. I’d still be a risk for you.”

“I won’t let you steal my share of Kiya’s treasure,” she said fiercely. “You caused me to lose the Great Beloved Wife statue. I won’t be cheated of anything else. You deliver my Kiya statue back to me and clean up that village. Then you get out of my country.”

Another silence. “I’ll let it go for now. I can always come back.”

“That would be madness. Even you wouldn’t run that risk again.”

“Wouldn’t I? But I run through money so quickly, and the idea of your looking over your shoulder is so pleasant. I can just see—” He broke off, and said impatiently, “But I have no more time. I have to make certain I’ll have no problem with Robaku tonight. Give me the code to that treasure room.”

“So you can steal it all and go on the run? You’ll get the treasure when I know that you’ve given me what I need.”

“And how will you know that?” he asked sarcastically. “I can’t see you risking your neck and dodging bullets to come and check.”

“Of course not. I’ll send Dalai to report back to me and open it for you. You’ve always found her accommodating.” She saw that Dalai had come back in the room and was frozen in place at the door. “And if you do everything I’ve told you to do, then I might allow you a bonus. You can take her with you.” She smiled maliciously as she saw the young girl go pale. “Plane flights can be so boring.”

“I’ll decide later. Just have her there ready to open that door when I’ll need her.”

“At two in the morning?”

“Two. If everything goes as planned.” He cut the connection.

She set her phone on the vanity and looked at Dalai. “You kept me waiting. How many times have I Copyright 2016 - 2024