Smokescreen - Iris Johansen Page 0,153

were. Madam was angry enough about it. I decided there was no sense my trying to tell you anything on the phone. I’d have to come there anyway.”

Jill was stunned. “Just like that? You walked out of the palace and just decided to come here to see me. How?”

“Madam leaves a car in a garage two blocks from the palace that we use when she goes to see Varak. Most of the time, she likes me to drive, so I have the keys.”

Jill shook her head in bewilderment. “Then you could have escaped whenever you chose.”

“No, I couldn’t. She would have chased me down and caught me. It wasn’t the right time. Neither is this, and you keep on asking questions,” she said, exasperated. “I only have a few hours before she’ll be back from that meeting with the British prime minister. I’ve parked down by this brook with the boulders. I’ve come this far. Now you come to me.”

“I’ll be right there.” Jill was jarred out of the shock as she realized what the consequences were of Dalai’s decision. “How long have you been here? No, you had to have just gotten here, or they would have been all over you. Look, you might have visitors before I get there. Don’t run away. Just wait for me.”

“Visitors?” Dalai repeated, alarmed. “Not Gideon. I don’t want to see Gideon. I came to see you.”

“Fine. Just wait for me.” She hung up and called Novak. “Did you get the drone intruder report?”

“It just came in. How the hell did you know?”

“She’s no threat. Don’t do anything. Don’t tell anyone you got it.” Dalai had mentioned Gideon, she remembered. “Don’t tell Gideon. She particularly doesn’t want Gideon.”

“Who is no threat?” he said sharply. “What are you doing, Jill?”

“Dalai. And I’m trying to get off this phone so that she won’t run away.” She was already striding down the path toward the brook. “But I can see that’s not going to happen unless I let you come. Okay, meet me at the brook. And don’t you let anyone hurt her.” She cut the connection as she rounded the bend and saw Dalai standing beside the brook. She was wearing a black cloak over her top and sarong skirt, and she looked as if she were going to fly away any minute. Jill drew a breath of relief. “I was afraid you’d be gone. It would have been wise of you to give me a little warning.” Jill skidded to a stop before her. “I’m sure you must have picked up information from Zahra and Varak that this place is a virtual armed camp.”

“No, they’ve never mentioned it.” She was frowning. “Varak doesn’t like having Eve Duncan here, but Madam told him to stay away from Robaku. She didn’t want to cause an incident if—” Dalai broke off, then said impatiently, “And I wasn’t sure I was coming here, so how could I give you warning? I didn’t know if I’d change my mind. But no one saw me.”

“Except the spy in the sky. Which means Novak saw you.” She looked down the path. “Don’t get spooked. Here he comes. It was easier to bring him here than argue.”

Dalai froze, her gaze on Novak. “I have to go.”

“No, you don’t. This is Jed Novak. I trust him. Gideon trusts him.” She turned to Novak. “Don’t you do anything intimidating. She’s here to help us. She’s already literally gone the extra mile. So let me handle it.”

Novak stopped, staring at Dalai. “She doesn’t appear to be a threat. Though her coming here automatically makes her suspect.” He took a step closer. “And she doesn’t seem to be intimidated, only wary.” He smiled at Dalai. “Maybe we should have a truce to see if either one of us has cause for concern.” His smile faded. “Though I didn’t like it that she didn’t want Gideon here.”

“I was…ashamed,” Dalai said. “He was kind, and I knew he pitied me.” She looked him straight in the eye. “I used it.”

“Not good.” He glanced at Jill. “Why is she here?”

“Because I don’t want to see anyone get blown up by that homicidal maniac. She might be able to tell us how to work around it. She knows Zahra, inside and out.”

Dalai was still holding Novak’s eyes. “And she says Zahra is the key. Do you believe that, too?”

“Jill and I are at odds on that score. But I’m always willing to listen to differing opinions.” He was gazing at Copyright 2016 - 2024