Smokescreen - Iris Johansen Page 0,140

out what I’m feeling about this particular chapter in your story.” His lips moved down to her breast, and his tongue flicked lazily at her nipple. “But I do know that we’re both in complete agreement that this was entirely successful.” He moved over her. “And we want more. You’re ready for me. Am I wrong?”

She was more than ready. It had been such a short time, but she was burning. Dangerous. It was so dangerous to feel that sexual intensity for him. She wasn’t even certain that it was only sex. She had always been confused about her emotions regarding him. Admiration, respect, gratitude were all mixed with that wariness. It would be even more dangerous if it was more than sex.

Worry about it later. She bit her lower lip as the waves of heat moved through her. She couldn’t think now that his hands were moving, teasing, entering. Just take what he was offering. “No, you’re not wrong.” She pulled him down to her, and whispered, “There’s nothing I want more than this now, Novak.”

* * *


Novak was on the phone, Jill realized drowsily.

Then she was wide-awake. Her eyes flew open, and she saw Novak sitting at the bench across the hut. He was fully dressed and gazing at his computer.

“What is it?” Then she shook her head as she realized what it must be. “What time is it? Did you get the drone results?”

He nodded. “About ten minutes ago. They came in a little after five. I’ve been going over the results with Gideon.”

“What were they?” She was quickly throwing on her clothes. “Why didn’t you wake me?”

“No need. You didn’t get much sleep,” he said absently, his gaze on the computer. “It’s not as if you could do anything about it.”

That was true enough, Jill thought. She had probably drifted off to sleep only minutes before he’d received those results. And it only heightened her frustration that he was perfectly right about her not being able to help him in any way. That was what had started the sexual marathon that had caused her to still be here when those results had come in. “You’re probably right,” she said curtly. “Call it curiosity. I’d like to know.”

He turned to face her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think.” He tapped the screen. “Very heavy foliage and tree cover. Glimpses of what could be a residence and four bunkhouses. Several possible vehicles. Farther back on the property, a concrete pad that could be used for a helicopter.” He looked up at her. “And the infrared showed at least forty or fifty figures under that heavy canopy of foliage.”

“Then it could be true.” She inhaled sharply as excitement gripped her. “Dalai must have told Gideon the truth. It could be Varak.”

“It could be Varak,” he agreed. “Particularly since the drone also detected the presence of explosives throughout the area. Varak has always been fond of his land mines. But that foliage is like a thick blanket, we won’t know until we get there. And several of those figures were probably sentries moving around the property. One false step, and we could get ourselves killed, or tip Varak off that we’re on the property. We’ve got to be careful.”

“Then you won’t be able to go in and get him right away.” She tried not to sound as relieved as she felt. “You’ll have to mount surveillance until you’re certain?”

“Probably. I want to know everything about the place, and I want a visual on Varak.”

“Dalai told Gideon that Zahra had paid for plastic surgery.”

“I’ve been on the hunt for Varak ever since he showed up in Maldara. I studied him for years after he started his killing sprees here. He might change his face, but he’s a big bastard, and he won’t have been able to change the way he moves. I’ll know him.” His lips tightened. “And then I’ll find a way to go in and get him.”

“Unless you find an opportunity to get your hands on him today,” she said bitterly.

He nodded. “Maybe.”

“That’s what I thought.” She turned and headed for the door. “Do let me know when you make a decision.”


“Look, I know you have to do this,” she said jerkily. “But next time, I want to be there when it happens, so you find a way to not get yourself killed today.”

“I’m not going to get myself killed,” he said quietly. “What happened between us blew my mind. I have no intention of cutting what we have short. Copyright 2016 - 2024