Smokescreen - Iris Johansen Page 0,131

speak. “I grieve with you, both my own people and the loved ones of those friends from foreign lands who died tonight in that terrible massacre.” Her voice was shaking, and her eyes were suddenly shining with tears. “You will notice I wear white instead of black for mourning. For those who are not familiar with Kiyanis, this is the custom of my family to honor our dead.” Her voice broke. “And everyone who died tonight I regard as a member of my own family.” She stopped a moment, struggling. “This is a monstrous thing that happened, and there are no words I can say that will explain or give comfort to you. All I can do is give what answers I can and grieve with you. First, I have to express my heartfelt condolences to the family of the Honorable Edward Wyatt, whom I’ve been told almost certainly perished in that explosion tonight. We had become friends during these last months. His Herculean efforts to help me bring health and happiness back to my countrymen after the devastation they had suffered will live in my heart and memory forever.” Another emotional pause. “Unfortunately, that bravery and dedication very likely caused him to be targeted. The police are still investigating, but we suspect Botzan terrorism. They have informed me after questioning the wife of Edward’s private secretary, Peter Greville, that Edward had scheduled a confidential meeting tonight with a Botzan secret agent who was attempting to capture a radical, terrorist group who were trying to revive the terrible war that killed so many of us.” She swallowed. “Including my own father. I had received reports and threats to my life from this group for the last few months, but my own secret service had not succeeded in apprehending them. I can only believe that Edward thought the force of the U.N. might bring them to justice and risked his own life in order that the peace would not be broken.” She cleared her throat. “Because that was the kind of noble, giving man the Honorable Edward Wyatt has been since the moment I first met him. May God bless his family and my eternal thanks to Great Britain for sending him to my country so that I could learn from him.” She lowered her head and was silent a long moment, struggling. “Forgive me. This is as difficult for me as it is for you all. I know I promised you information, and I will give it. Naturally, because this hideous disaster has just occurred, that information may be sketchy, and I beg you to understand. I can only tell you what I’ve been told. The consensus of those around me is that the terrorist group got wind of the meeting with Edward and wished to set an example. It was easy for them because he had sent all of his guards and employees away for the night in order to satisfy the demands of the Botzan secret agent. That was like the Edward I have come to know, risking everything…” She went on: “But in the last hour we’ve found out that he was not the only target. The terrorists weren’t satisfied with only killing him. His private secretary, Peter Greville, and several of the guards were attacked and shot in their residences in the early hours of the morning. The police told me that there’s reason to believe that they wanted to make certain everyone connected with the death of Nils Varak paid the same price. You might remember that Varak’s skull was being held at the U.N. headquarters.” She shuddered. “It shouldn’t surprise us that the monster who almost destroyed my country should be worshipped by those murdering terrorists.” The tears that had been brimming were suddenly running down her cheeks. “But it does surprise me. I can’t understand anything about people like this. Shouldn’t the deaths stop sometime?” She looked directly in the camera. “But we all have to understand it because we have to stop it. It can’t go on any longer. Together we can stop it. Help me, and I will help you. I will let you know whatever I find out about this atrocity so that we can share knowledge as well as our sorrow. I will set my own agencies and soldiers to seek out those answers. I’m going to cancel my trip to New York to speak at the U.N. in order to devote myself to keeping those beasts from devouring Copyright 2016 - 2024