Smokescreen - Iris Johansen Page 0,128

swung around like a striking cobra. “I don’t make mistakes.”

Markel backed away. “I only thought maybe circumstances had changed,” he said quickly. “Is there anything I can do to help you with that skull?”

Varak didn’t speak for a moment, and Markel tensed. Then Varak said, “No, I’ve got it.” He looked back down at the skull. “Just be still and let me see how this is going to play out. Whatever goes down, I’ll get what I want.” He added, “Because I don’t make mistakes, Markel.”

He waited as the liquid did its work.

“Anything?” Markel asked.

Varak didn’t answer. His eyes were on the skull.

Son of a bitch!

No numbers appeared. Nothing.

It was not Oscar.

And the rage was beginning to sear through Varak.

It was an insult that Eve Duncan had thought she could do this to him. Of course, she was only a woman, and Joe Quinn might have manipulated her. But she had to have been the one to do the actual reconstruction to prove that skull wasn’t Varak’s. He was suddenly furious with everyone connected to this defeat. Gideon, Joe Quinn, Eve Duncan, Jill Cassidy. He wanted them all dead.

No, he wouldn’t accept that they had defeated him.

“Varak?” Markel said tentatively.

“Shut up,” Varak hissed. He took the skull and hurled it across the room to smash against the wall. “The bitch thinks she fooled me.” His hands clenched into fists as the white-hot rage tore through him. “Let’s show them how wrong they are. Set the C-4.”


“Everywhere, you fool. Everywhere.”

Markel hurried out of the vault room.

Varak strode across the room and jammed an explosive in the empty eye socket of the skull lying on the floor.

Markel was back in the room and setting the charges.

“When you finish, get the other charges set throughout the house,” Varak said. “Then tell the men to do the other blocks. Be ready to detonate when I call you.” Then Varak was running out of the vault, down the hall, and up the staircase. Where the hell was she? Then he heard voices behind a door down the hall. A second later, he was throwing open the door of Wyatt’s suite.

Wyatt was naked and kneeling before an equally naked Zahra. His head swiveled, and he stared in shock at Varak. “No one is supposed to be here. What are you—doing—”

“Blowing your brains out.” Varak shot him directly between the eyes.

Then he glared at Zahra as Wyatt fell to the floor. “It’s the wrong damn skull. It had to have been switched by that bitch, Duncan. You should have gotten rid of her. You should have gotten rid of all of them.” His eyes were blazing. “That’s why she sent Quinn to Asarti. You’re to blame for this. Now I have to protect myself.”

“And you call killing a U.N. diplomat protecting yourself?” She was staring in horror at Wyatt’s shattered head. “How am I supposed to handle this?”

“I don’t give a damn. I’ve already made plans to get rid of all the evidence. You just find a way to keep them from coming after me. Fix it. Put your clothes on and get out of here. This place is going to blow in another seven minutes. I won’t wait for you.”

“You’re blowing it up?” She shook her head dazedly. “You are insane. Do you know what kind of nightmare you’re going to—” She was gasping, choking as his hands closed on her throat.

“Listen to me,” he hissed. “And keep listening. From now on, you’re going to do exactly as I say. I’m done playing with you. Do you know how much I want to squeeze just a little harder and break your damn neck? I won’t tolerate your ordering me about. I’m in charge now. Do you understand?”

She couldn’t speak, so she nodded.

He released her, and she backed away, holding her throat. His smile was savage. “Yes, you do understand. Now get out of here and do what I told you. You’re always telling me how clever you are. Now prove it. It’s my game now, my orders, Zahra.” He whirled and strode toward the door. “Fix it!”

* * *

Zahra gazed after Varak for an instant as anger and shock struggled within her. Fix it? How was she supposed to fix this catastrophe? She looked down at the blood spattered over her naked body. It was like him to barge in and make things as difficult and horrible as possible for her, she thought bitterly. And this time it had been far worse. She was trying to Copyright 2016 - 2024