Smokescreen - Iris Johansen Page 0,125

the choices you could wish. Is it a deal? Will you trust me?”

“You want me?” She was gazing at him in horror. “She would kill me. She would let him hurt me.”

“If you helped us, we’d keep you safe. Just furnish us with what we need to stop Zahra…and anyone else with whom she’s dealing. We’d protect you and even send you far away if you wish.”

“I cannot answer questions.” Her voice was shaking. “She said she would treat me as Kiya would someone who betrayed her. She even showed me the place with no air.”

“What place?”

“Go away!”

“I’m going.” He moved quickly to the door. “I understand why you’re upset. But I had to do it. If you help us, it could save lives. I know you think of me as an enemy, I’ve never done anything for you. But getting rid of Zahra might even save your life someday.”

“You don’t understand anything.” Her eyes were glittering, blazing. “I don’t want to die like a Kiya slave. I don’t want to die at all.” Her voice was no longer shaking but very strong and hard with determination. “I won’t let you or her or anyone do that to me.”

That sudden change of demeanor from meekness to ferocity had startled him. “I’m trying to understand, Dalai.” Gideon looked over his shoulder as he reached the door. Ferocity? He must have just frightened her. Except for those huge, blazing eyes, she looked infinitely fragile, and he couldn’t leave her like that. “Don’t let anyone else hurt you the way you were hurt tonight. Do you have a phone?”

“Of course, Madam might need me. I must always be available to her.”

“Of course,” he repeated. He strode back across the room and threw his card on the bed. “I’ll leave. But if you change your mind or get in trouble, call me, and I’ll come and get you. And you won’t have to tell me anything if you’re afraid to do it.”

Her eyes widened. “Why would you do that?”

“I told you. Because I didn’t do it when I should have done it all those years ago. When I got bored with her, I just took off. I didn’t give a thought to you.”

Her eyes were still bewildered. “Of course, you didn’t. Why should you?”

“I can’t explain it if you don’t know. Anyway, deal or no deal, call me if you need help.”

“I cannot do that,” Dalai said jerkily. She was silent another moment. “I think you are trying to be kind to me. But if I’m not very good, she said he will punish me again, and I can’t risk it.” Her voice was shaking again. “I could not stand it.”

His eyes narrowed. “Zahra’s not always truthful. She might not keep her word. If she changes her mind, you might remember that I’m offering you your own choices.” He added with sudden urgency, “No strings, dammit. Just use the card and call me.”

“I’m going to tear it up and throw it away. She might find it,” she said unsteadily. “But I’ll remember your number. I have a very good memory. But don’t expect me to use it.”

It was a small victory, but he’d take it. “I never expect anything. I hope for everything.” But she was still so damn defenseless. He impulsively reached into his pocket and pulled out his pearl-handled switchblade knife and threw it on the bed beside the card. “Take this in case you need it. My father gave it to me when I came home from Oxford. I think he’d want you to have it.” He smiled. “Now you can’t tear that to pieces. It’s a keepsake.”

“No, but I can never use it.” She reached down and gingerly touched the pearl handle. “I’ll have to hide it away so that no one will ever see it.” She shook her head. “Why don’t you understand? I can’t resist, or it makes it a thousand times worse for me.”

“No, I don’t understand. Because if you’d let me help, we could beat this.” He turned and moved back toward the door. “Just trust me.” He carefully opened the door and cautiously looked up and down the hall. “Take care of yourself, Dalai,” he said. “Since you won’t let me do it. And no one else seems—”

“I’ve never thought of you as my enemy.”

He stiffened at the words and looked over his shoulder. “What?”

“I never blamed you for leaving me,” she burst out suddenly. “Why should I? Everybody leaves. And I never thought I Copyright 2016 - 2024