Smokescreen - Iris Johansen Page 0,122

to remember. She obviously tries to fade into the background. I feel sorry for her, and Eve was really irritated at the way Zahra treated her. Was she around when you were playing your sex games with Zahra?”

“Barely. She was just a kid, not even in her teens yet. I remember trying to get Zahra to be easier on her. But I wasn’t around that long. Our ship had sailed.”

“But you met Dalai this evening?”

“As I said, more of an encounter.” He changed the subject. “I’m going to stick around for a little while. Quinn would say that would be a waste of time coming back to Robaku for help when I’m already here at the palace. He’s all for conquering by combining tasks.” He paused. “I’ll see how I feel about that office when I get within striking distance. If I decide against going for it, I still have one other path I can try before I come back to Robaku.”


“Never mind. It’s a long shot, but you can never tell what will work. I’ll call you when I leave here. Don’t phone me again. I won’t be able to answer you.” He ended the call.

A long shot. He stood for a moment in the darkness, staring at the wall passage into which Zahra and Dalai had disappeared. He had to admit he was curious…So go for the long shot?

And perhaps…reparation?

* * *

Gideon had no trouble remembering the layout of the rooms once he reached Zahra’s wing. The maid’s room was two doors down from Zahra’s suite. She always wanted privacy but also to have instant service when she required it.

He moved silently down the hall, listening for activity from Zahra’s suite or the guards on the floor below. He had waited almost an hour before he’d entered the passage. If it had been blood on that sheet, Zahra would probably have needed time to take care of Dalai’s wounds.

He hesitated. Time to make the decision. Go to Zahra’s office? Or go to Dalai?

Either would be a risk.

He stopped outside the maid’s room.

No decision. That blood…He’d known this would be the choice.

He listened.

No sound of activity.

He silently opened the door and slipped into the bedroom. The room was so plain and without color, it appeared almost sterile. A bed. A pine washstand. A chair against the far wall.

He could see Dalai sitting on the edge of the bed, still wrapped in the sheet, her eyes fixed dully on the floor.

“Dalai,” he said gently.

She stiffened, her gaze wide with alarm as she saw him.

Oh, shit. She was going to scream.

This was turning out to be a stupid idea, he thought. “Shh. Please don’t scream. I’m Sam Gideon. Do you remember me? I’m not going to hurt you.”

She didn’t scream. She just sat on the bed, panting, looking at him with those wide, dark eyes. “Of course…I know you. What do you want with me? Did Madam Zahra send you? I wouldn’t think she’d choose to permit you to have me.”

“All I want is to talk to you. Zahra didn’t send me.” He grimaced. “In fact, she would be very angry with me if she knew I was here. I’m surprised you remember me. You’d just come to the palace when I first met you, and I didn’t stay around for long. Your Madam Zahra and I were once what you might term an item, but that was long ago. She can’t stand me now.”

“I remember everything about you.” She was still stiff and unrelaxed. “But you’re right, now Madam feels differently. You have to leave here. I didn’t think she’d send you to me. But she’ll still punish me if she finds you here.” Her voice was trembling. “She does hate you. I can tell every time she sees you or talks about you. You make her angry. She must not get angry.”

“Because she’ll punish you?” He came toward her, his gaze on the sheet. “You’re bleeding. Did she do that to you? And those bruises on your shoulders?”

“Go away.”

“I thought I knew what a bitch she was, but I might have been way off.” His lips tightened. “You don’t have to take this, Dalai.”

“Go away.”

“Did she do it?”

“No. Yes. Go away. You’ll make things worse if she comes in and sees you.”

“Then we’ll keep our voices down, and she won’t come in. Unless she decides to come in and clean you up. I was thinking I’d given her time to have done that already.”

“Take care of me?” She gazed Copyright 2016 - 2024