Smokescreen - Iris Johansen Page 0,118

you’re concerned, but I still want to come there and—” She stopped. “Okay, I’ll do what you want. But no more trying to keep me out of this. Be honest with me. And be honest with Michael. Though he probably knows what’s going on anyway. But it might be making him uneasy for you not to be perfectly open with him.”

“You could be right,” Eve said. “Sometimes it’s hard to know what to do. First instinct is always to protect. Very well, honesty all the way. Thanks, Jane.”

“And that’s not all. If I’m responsible for taking care of Michael, then I’ll do it my way.” She added, “You’re right, Joe’s friends at the Yard might not cut it as far as Michael’s concerned. And I can’t furnish ten of me who could handle him. But I’ll make a call, and I’ll have at least one person who’s capable of doing it here at the dig tomorrow.”


“Seth Caleb’s at his estate in Scotland.” Her lips twisted. “I don’t think you’d argue that Michael would be no problem for him. Michael adores him, and they’re soul mates. Half the time, I don’t even understand what’s going on between them.”

Jane was talking about Michael’s relationship with Caleb, but she wasn’t mentioning the off and on, tumultuous and passionate relationship she’d had with Caleb in the past. Eve hesitated. “The last thing I heard from you was that you weren’t seeing Seth Caleb any longer. Has that changed?”

“No, I’m not seeing him, but Caleb has no qualms about dropping in on me whenever he pleases. And it will please him that I need him to come and guard Michael.”

“I don’t want to make things difficult for you, Jane.”

“Things are always difficult when Caleb is around. We might as well make use of him. You and Joe will feel safer that Caleb is with Michael, won’t you?”

Eve couldn’t deny it. “He’s totally remarkable.”

“And that’s all that’s important.” Jane smiled. “If I can’t be with you, then you’ll know that you’ve nothing to worry about as far as Michael is concerned.” Her smile faded. “But you’ll have me to worry about if you don’t call me every day to tell me what’s happening. This can’t happen again, Eve.”

“It won’t. Never again. Good-bye, Jane.” She ended the call. She knew Jane too well not to realize that having Caleb at that dig might be a strain considering the volatility of her relationship with him, but she also knew she wouldn’t be able to talk her out of it. Jane would make any sacrifice, do everything she could to safeguard Michael and the entire family. It was her nature.

“Everything all right?” Joe was studying her expression.

“Great.” She smiled with an effort. “Jane is in fine form. Michael couldn’t be in safer hands. And that dig will definitely be braced for impact.”

* * *

“Get over here!” Varak’s voice was crackling with fury as Zahra picked up the phone. “Right now, Zahra. Or I’ll come to that fancy palace of yours.” His disconnect was a crash in her ear.

He was clearly in a rage, Zahra thought, but he had no right to speak to her like this. She had already been out there to see him earlier today, and she wouldn’t be at his beck and call. Then she stifled her own anger. She couldn’t take a chance with Varak’s volatile temperament right now.

And he must not come here. How many times had she told him that they must not take any chances? She would have to go, but he would hear from her about this when she got to his damn compound.

She tore out of the palace and, a little over an hour later, screeched to a stop in front of his house. She jumped out of the car and was climbing the steps when the door flew open and Varak came out on the porch.

“I won’t take your rudeness, Varak,” she said. “Next time, I’ll tell you to go to hell.”

“You’ll take whatever I give you.” He grabbed her wrist and was pulling her inside the house. “You’ve put me at risk for the last time. You promised me that you’d make certain I’d be safe if I played your game. Now everything is falling apart, and it’s your fault.”

“Nothing is falling apart except that I don’t have my statue.”

“The hell it’s not.” Varak’s face was livid, twisted with anger. “I told you that you had to get rid of Duncan. But you were so frightened that all Copyright 2016 - 2024