Smokescreen - Iris Johansen Page 0,111

way I’ll be able to keep Joe from going ballistic. He wanted me to fly back to London to cozy up with Scotland Yard.”

“He told us.” She hesitated. “Not a bad idea, Eve.”

“You should have thought of that when you brought me here,” she said curtly. “There’s no way I can go back and forget everything I’ve seen and learned in Robaku.” She glanced at her. “And you knew that would happen, so don’t let me hear that again from you.”

“Just a comment,” Jill said. “Maybe because I wish I could take it all back.”

“I know you do.” She began to put in the depth markers. “Too late.” She added, “So make amends and work with me to find that son of a bitch who killed these kids.”

“You know I will.” She turned away. “I’ll go down to the village and get you something to eat. You’ve lit a fire under Quinn, and I doubt if he’ll be here anytime soon. Maybe by the time I come back, I’ll be able to give you another report. Anything else I can do?”

“Not unless you’ve taken up forensic sculpting.” Eve waved her hand. “Out with you. Let me get into Mila.”

“On my way.” Jill headed for the door. “I guess I’m used to staying close and watching out for you. No need of that now. Quinn and Novak have arranged a virtual army to guard you.”

I don’t doubt that, Eve thought. The knowledge tended to smother her. But she shouldn’t complain, it was all part of the surveillance which she’d told Joe she’d accept.

And she wasn’t complaining; it was just difficult.

Mila. This little girl deserved her attention. Think of Mila.

* * *

“Fruit. And a salad creation that Leta made for you from Hajif’s garden. The dressing is spicy but good,” Jill said as she came back into the museum two hours later. She set the tray down on Eve’s worktable. “No protein. But I’ll work on that for your supper.” She glanced at Mila as she went to the cooler to get Eve a water. “How’s it coming?”

“Fine.” She pushed back and started to eat the salad. “You’re right, this dressing is good. What’s Joe doing? I take it not making salad. Did he find out anything from Scotland Yard?”

“Only the brother’s background. After Oscar went back to Johannesburg, he was into everything from petty thievery to gunrunning. No connection with his big brother during that time. It’s pretty clear he wanted the break to be permanent. For the last seven years, he was involved with piracy in the Indian Ocean. He was first mate on a schooner that raided corporate ships and held executives for ransom. At least two of the prisoners were executed during those years. Oscar definitely was not a pleasant man. He learned a lot from big brother.”

“But he was an amateur compared to Varak,” Eve said. “And the last lesson he learned evidently was a horror story. Was he definitely back in Johannesburg at the time Dobran flew down for a visit?”

“Novak is checking that out.” She shook her head. “It seems Quinn and Novak are working in tandem. Pretty scary, huh?”

“Intimidating. But it probably won’t—”

Jill’s phone was ringing. “Hold that thought.” She glanced at the ID. “Cairo. It’s Kimbro.” She answered. “What’s the word, Kimbro? Can you get the tapes?”

He sighed. “I’m afraid not. It’s impossible.” Then he chuckled. “Because I’ve already got them. You persist in underestimating me, Jill. They’re tucked in my camera bag right now. Piece of cake.”

Jill breathed a sigh of relief. “No trouble?”

“Just a return of favors. I slipped in and slipped out of that evidence room with my customary grace and style, leaving a hefty bribe behind. Which you will return to me with interest.”

“Why should I? You owed me.” She added teasingly, “And it was a piece of cake.”

“So that I won’t consider you in my debt now. I know you, Jill.” He paused. “But to make sure, I’ll accept another bribe. I want to know why you were ready to let me run that risk to get these tapes. You’re usually boringly protective.” He added, “And I want in on the story.”

Jill’s smile faded. “No, you don’t. Not this story. Not now, Kimbro.”

“It must be one hell of a scoop,” he said softly. “If not now, when?”

“Soon. Don’t push me, Kimbro. I won’t shut you out. I promised you that you’d get the story of a lifetime. Just don’t go probing into anything concerning Asarti. Okay?”

He sighed. “Okay. Copyright 2016 - 2024