Smokescreen - Iris Johansen Page 0,102

have told me about it. The fact that she had it would have definitely sparked my interest.”

“She told Dobran that she had a lot of other artifacts. That it wasn’t going to be the only payment,” Joe said.

“I remember you said that.” Eve was still looking down at the statue. Exquisite. And the idea that it might have been created in the court of Cleopatra VII added to the mystique. “Which leads us to the distinct possibility that the treasure that Kiya mentioned in her journal did exist, might still exist, and Zahra has it in her possession.” She frowned. “And she still gave him this one artifact, which must have meant a good deal to her, to get him to falsify that Varak DNA.”

“And in the end, that’s the only thing of real importance,” Novak said curtly. “All this talk of artifacts and Zahra Kiyani’s obsession with them is bullshit. If Zahra is guilty of being an accomplice to Varak, then it doesn’t matter whether she did a payoff at a bank in the Grand Caymans or with these artifacts. It means she’s as guilty as that son of a bitch, and we have to go after her.”

“No one is denying that,” Jill said. “I just find it interesting as a storyteller that the story appears to be growing in scope.” She met his eyes. “And I don’t agree that it’s not important. The fact that Zahra has a secret treasure cache worth millions, possibly billions, that she can tap at any time, automatically furnishes her with weapons. For one thing, it could have lured Varak into her camp. And since everything to do with Kiya is important to Zahra, it has also somehow become woven into this terrible connection to Varak. That makes it very important, Novak. You’re just still pissed off that I didn’t let you know the reconstruction was finished.”

Silence. “Yes, I am.” He turned to Joe. “When Gideon called me from the plane, I arranged for a couple agents to go to Asarti and blend in and see what was going on out there.” He paused. “And how we can manage to cover your tracks. I should get a report soon.”

“It better be very soon. Or everything may come crashing down on us.” He looked at the reconstruction. “Do we agree that Zahra Kiyani has to be working hand in glove with Varak to maintain the lie that he’s dead? The question is why, and how far it goes.” He paused. “And how far it went while the war was still going on. If Varak was allowing her to use him as a double agent to defeat Botzan, it would make sense why her casualties were so slim.”

Gideon gave a low whistle. “Oh, I can see that happening.”

“But where is Varak right now?” Jill asked quietly. “Would he run the risk of staying in Maldara?”

“Questions,” Eve said wearily. “So many questions.” She looked at Joe. “But we still have time to get the answers. Let’s just take a deep breath, then go after them.”

“We’ll see,” Joe said. “As long as I don’t see any sign of your becoming a target while you’re doing deep-breathing exercises.” He glanced at Novak. “And as long as I get that report from your people at Asarti right away.”

“You’ll get it,” Novak said. “And now I’m going to go interrogate Sebak. I’ll let you know if I find out anything more from him. It’s not professional to hide information from people with the same goals.” He turned and headed for the door. “You might keep that in mind, Quinn.”

“I will,” Joe said. “As long as you set the example.” He turned to Gideon as Novak left the room. “One more thing. I want to know everything Zahra Kiyani does from now on. I need to know it all. You’re familiar with the palace and know her routine better than anyone else, so you’re the best one to do it.”

“Lucky me. You do realize that my face is also on those videotapes? It’s only a matter of time before Zahra realizes I’m not only an inconvenience but a threat.” He shrugged. “So I guess I’d better get busy doing the advance prep work we need before she decides to target me.” He strolled toward the door. “But you’re right, I still have a few contacts in her personal entourage, and I’m very familiar with the gardens and every room in that overdone monstrosity of a presidential palace.”

“Not only the bedroom?” Jill Copyright 2016 - 2024