Smokescreen - Iris Johansen Page 0,101


“But you got Dobran killed,” Novak said bitterly. “He’s the only witness we knew about, and he’s dead. And we needed his information. I’ll interrogate Sebak, but from what Gideon told me, I doubt if I’ll get anything. By all means, tell them what happened at Asarti. It will be interesting to have all the cards on the table for a change.”

“I’m sure it would be a great change for you,” Joe said coolly. “That’s why I didn’t want you to know anything before I could be here to keep an eye on what you were doing.” He turned to Eve. “I did get Dobran killed. As I said, there was as much bad as good that happened at Asarti.” He spent the next minutes filling her in on the events of the last twenty-four hours, and ended with, “And I don’t give a damn about Dobran’s death, we can work around it. What I’m worried about is that whoever staged those explosions and the sniper attack will probably know in a matter of hours who was taking Dobran out of that château tonight.”


“Dobran had to be the target. We were careful, and no one knew we were in the château. It had to be a random accident that we were there at the same time as the attack. But I killed that sniper, and once they find him, they’ll look for more answers.”

“And who are ‘they’?” Jill asked.

Joe’s gaze returned to the reconstruction. “You tell me. Someone who wanted to eliminate Dobran as a witness but also wanted something Dobran had in his possession that could be plucked from his gallery in the confusion of the fire.”

“But why will they know you were there?” Eve asked.

“Sebak said there was video surveillance in the gallery. Gideon was able to eliminate the cameras everywhere else but not in the gallery. And we were in too much of a hurry to get out of there with Dobran to stop and disable them.”

“Amateurs,” Novak said sourly.

“Walk in our shoes,” Joe said curtly. “I needed Dobran. You’d do the same.”

Novak was silent. “Maybe.”

Joe turned back to Eve. “And once I’m identified, it will only be a short time before they’ll make the connection to you. The first thing we’ve got to do is get you out of here.”

“Do we?” Eve had known this was coming. It was Joe’s protective instinct at work again. “I don’t think so. Not the first thing, Joe. The first thing we have to do is figure out what happened and why. I’m not going to run away and hide from being arrested by the U.N., or whoever killed Dobran, until I know what I’m facing.”

“I can take care of that once I know you’re safe.”

“No, Joe,” she said quietly.

“Dammit, Eve.” His eyes were blazing. “Dobran was a witness, and he’s dead. Tonight, you proved with that reconstruction that Varak’s death was a big lie. Do you think they’ll let you live?”

“I haven’t proved anything as long as the courts believe in the DNA. Dobran is dead, and I’d bet any lab evidence has been destroyed by now.” She held up her hand as he opened his lips. “I’m just saying that we might have time to figure this out because they’ll have to figure out what we know, too. I have no intention of getting myself killed.” She smiled at him. “So back off and stop pushing. Now show me that statue. That could be very interesting.” She looked at Gideon. “You really think it had to belong to Zahra Kiyani?”

He nodded. “Everything Dobran said indicated that it had to be her.” His lips twisted. “Particularly the part where he called her a bitch. That definitely struck home.” He watched as Joe dug into his backpack and pulled out the gold statue. “And it’s the statue of the first Kiya. Who else would have it?”

“Who, indeed?” Jill came closer as Eve took the statue from Joe. Her gaze was lit with eagerness and curiosity as she stared down at it. “And why would she have it?” she murmured. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it? It must have nearly killed Zahra to have to give it up.” She reached down and traced the script. “Great Beloved Wife…” She glanced at Gideon. “She never mentioned this statue to you?”

“There were things that she didn’t confide. I imagine a multimillion-dollar artifact might be included in that range since she wasn’t sure I was totally besotted with her.” He glanced at the statue. “She should Copyright 2016 - 2024